News of Jon Winfield’s windfall and changes to the Will of his near-neighbour, Bev, shock the Lennox Head community and galvanise Bev’s friends and relations. Bev’s cousin Cathy comes forward and says she was isolated from knowledge of what had happened to her lifelong friend, Bev. Cathy describes having been ‘warned off’ by a gruff man using Bev’s phone after her death. Cathy and her husband Les are aghast and they’re back in touch with their cousin’s brothers Geoff and Paul. A legal challenge could force Jon to justify his handling of the Will and his whopping inheritance. In New Zealand, a medical doctor comes forward publicly to vouch for Judy Singh, the retired nurse who is adamant she saw Bronwyn’s body wrapped in sheets in a car being driven by Jon, who emphatically denies wrongdoing. Read more about this case and see photographs, maps, timelines and more at If you have information which may help solve this cold case, you can – contact our team confidentially by emailing
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