Have you ever crewed, been flown in or serviced a Puma? March sees the retirement of this medium support helicopter that has carried troops, supplies and humanitarian aid in operations and exercises around the world since 1971. InsideAIR goes to RAF Benson, to say farewell. InsideAIR is produced for the Royal Air Force by RAF Media Reserves. Theme music by RAF Music Services.
Ep 111: Part 2, Top Guns: Inside the RAF - Behind The Scenes
In the second instalment of our two part feature about Channel 4’s documentary on the RAF we rejoin InsideAIR’s Air Specialist 1 Emma Kirwan as she goes behind the scenes of Top Guns: Inside the RAF. InsideAIR is produced for the Royal Air Force by RAF Media Reserves. Theme music by RAF Music Services.
Ep 110: Top Guns: Inside the RAF - Behind The Scenes
How do you make a TV documentary on a busy, operational and in places, secretive RAF station? Balancing the needs and wishes of the people being filmed, the film crew and ultimately the viewers, is no easy task. InsideAIR’s Air Specialist 1 Emma Kirwan spoke to the people behind and in front of the cameras of the second series of Top Guns: Inside the RAF. InsideAIR is produced for the Royal Air Force by RAF Media Reserves. Theme music by RAF Music Services.
Ep 109: DE&S - Delivering War Fighting Capability to the RAF
Acquiring new platforms, upgrading current platforms so they remain relevant, and ensuring the support solutions, supplies and spares are in place. This is the unsung role of Defence Equipment and Support. Squadron Leader Peter Lisney talks with DE&S’s Director Fixed Wing and Director Rotary Wing, UAS and Air Enablers, to find out how they deliver war fighting capability to the RAF, and hears what to look out for in the coming years. InsideAIR is produced for the Royal Air Force by RAF Media Reserves. Theme music by RAF Music Services.
Ep 108: On Exercise With the RNLI
A joint RAF & RNLI exercise took place recently off the coast of the Isle of Man with a 202 Squadron Jupiter helicopter from RAF Valley playing the lead role. Flight Lieutenant Chris Sully watched the winching operations from the deck of the Port St Mary lifeboat and caught up with both teams to find out what was involved. The exercise took place in mid-December, at the end of the RNLI's bicentenary, with the organisation having been established on the Isle of Man. InsideAIR is produced for the Royal Air Force by RAF Media Reserves. Theme music by RAF Music Services.