Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs brings you the most tragic, significant, and momentous events from maritime history, from ancient shipwrecks to the very recent. Created...
The U.S. Navy brig Somers was part of an experimental apprentice program to teach young men, mostly teenagers, to be naval officers. During a return voyage to Africa in 1842, Captain Alexander Slidell Mackenzie learned of a mutiny plot, orchestrated by Philip Spencer and other young crewmen. Spencer was the son of Secretary of War John Spencer, and already had a reputation as a troublemaker. Acting swiftly, Mackenzie ordered the execution of the alleged ringleaders, Philip Spencer, Samuel Cromwell, and Elisha Small. The event sparked a heated debate about naval discipline, the potential miscarriage of justice, and the proper handling of mutiny, led by famed author James Fenimore Cooper. The incident was one of the factors in the establishment of the United States Naval Academy in 1845.
Written, edited, and produced by Rich Napolitano. Original theme music by Sean Sigfried. All episodes, images, and sources can be found at
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The Mystery of the Wawinet
The pleasure yacht Wawinet sank on September 21, 1942, in Georgian Bay, Ontario, Canada. The Wawinet was owned by retired NHL defenseman Bert Corbeau who played for the Montreal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple Leafs. Corbeau was Plant Supervisor at Midland Foundry and Machine Company, of Midland, Ontario, and he was taking the workers out for an evening boating excursion.
Corbeau was an experienced captain and knew the waters and channels very well. The Wawinet suddenly listed over and took on water, just south of Beausoleil Island, and began taking on water. 25 of the 42 men on board, including Corbeau, perished in the accident. To this day, there are still many questions about what caused the Wawinet to sink.
Joining me for this episode are Bert Mason of Penetanguishene, Ontario, and Brien DesRochers of Parkhill, Ontario, whose relatives died on the Wawinet on that day. It remains one of the worse tragedies in Great Lakes History.
This episode is available on YouTube at
Written, edited, and produced by Rich Napolitano. Original theme music by Sean Sigfried. All episodes, images, and sources can be found at
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Ship's Log: The USCGC Blackthorn
(This episode was oiginally released in January of 2023.)
On the evening of January 28, 1980 the United States Coast Guard cutter Blackthorn was leaving Tampa Bay on its way to its home base in Galveston, Texas. It was a cool, calm, and pleasant night as the Blackthorn headed out. At the same time, the SS Capricorn was inbound to the bay. Through a series of missteps and miscommunications, the Blackthorn and Capricorn collided almost head-on, killing 23 Coast Guardsmen. Rich's wife Dawn joins the show again as a guest.
For photos and sources related to this episode please visit
Written, edited, and produced by Rich Napolitano. Original theme music by Sean Sigfried.
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The Seven Years' War: The Great French Disaster - From La Fayette, We Are Here! Podcast
Bonus Episode from La Fayette, We Are Here! podcast.
This particular conflict goes by multiple names and definitions. While it is globally recognized as the Seven Years' War, it is more commonly referred to in America as the French and Indian War, and in Canada as the War of Conquest. These wars are all interconnected and are part of a vast global struggle between the two superpowers of the mid-eighteenth century: France and Great Britain.
Considered by many as the first true world war, it continues to reverberate even today. Embark on a historical journey, with Louis XV, Madame de Pompadour, the Marquis de Montcalm, and general Wolfe as our guides, to examine "the Great French Disaster."
Created and hosted by Emmanuel Dubois.
Find and subscribe to La Fayette, We Are Here! on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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The Burning of HMS Gaspee
In the midst of increased tariffs and enforcement of the Navigation Acts, an angry group of merchants, plantation owners, and residents of Providence, Rhode Island slipped out under the cover of darkness on June 10, 1772, and boarded HMS Gaspee. After a short battle, the Rhode Islanders burned the British vessel, and shot and wounded its commander, Lt. William Duddingston. The Gaspee Affair, as it came to be known, was the result of increased tensions between colonists and the British government.
My guest for this episode is Michael Troy, of American Revolution Podcast.
Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs is written, edited, and produced by Rich Napolitano.
Original theme music by Sean Sigfried.
For images and sources, please visit
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Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs brings you the most tragic, significant, and momentous events from maritime history, from ancient shipwrecks to the very recent. Created and hosted by Rich Napolitano, each episode focuses on the people, the time period, events and circumstances that shaped maritime history, while honoring those who were lost.
Expert guests include authors, historians, archaeologists, scientists, sailors, and maritime enthusiasts from all over the world who offer their insights into historical events and real-life experiences. From the wrecks of the Atlantic to the Zeewijk, Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs brings you maritime history like no other podcast.
Shipwrecks and Sea Dogs is a proud member of the Into History podcast network. Subscribe to Into History for ad-free episodes, early access, bonus content, and a private Discord community.
Original theme music by Sean Sigfried.