This podcast discusses the strategies, tips, and techniques that Dr. Josh Wright has picked up over a lifetime of study to help you take your piano playing to t...
Finding Your Own Musical Path - Guest Episode on openArted Podcast
On this episode, I was delighted to speak with Monika who runs the openArted podcast, a show dedicated to exploring how we can make our artistic lives more practical, and the personal journeys of discovery we have experience. Thanks for inviting me Monika! Here are some links for more of her material:
openARTed podcast is powered by PianoBuffs - Monika Lozinskienė
openARTed podcast
Here are some links to more resources to help your piano playing:
View Josh's new FREE webinar training, "10 Unusual Tips To Take Your Playing To The NEXT LEVEL!":
View Josh's premiere course, ProPractice Lifetime Access, and get instant access to every previous and future ProPractice video, forever!
View the VIP MasterClass Series here, featuring videos not seen on YouTube:
To view ALL of the gear Josh uses, click here:
Entrepreneurialism and Music
This audio is from a recent guest appearance on the “All Keyed Up” podcast, hosted by Ben Kapilow. To view more of his podcast, click here:
Josh Wright, Billboard #1 Artist and digital course creator, talks about entrepreneurialism and how it overlaps with teaching piano. Topics discussed include Josh's online courses, the influences he's had from listening to business podcasts and reading business books, branding, marketing, ways to think about target audiences, and the value of being innovative and finding a niche. Listeners of All Keyed Up can receive 20% off of Josh's digital courses by entering promo code "podcast".
To view Josh’s online courses, website, and gear, please visit
Music School in Your 30’s?
In this episode, we address the question of whether it is advisable to attend music school in your 30’s after only playing piano for a short time. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Is there a better path that will maximize learning?
To view Josh’s online courses, website, and gear, please visit
Piano Competitions: Good or Bad?
In this podcast, we discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of competing in piano competitions. I had the opportunity to compete since I was 9 years old, and I’ve learned many valuable lessons over the years from doing so. However, competitions are not always beneficial, especially if you have the wrong mindset going into a competition. I hope the points presented in this podcast can help if you’re considering competing!
To view Josh’s online courses, website, and gear, please visit
Effortless Mindset - Improve Speed, Reduce Tension, and Play With Confidence!
In this episode, we discuss improving your mindset at the piano by removing negative self-talk and limiting thoughts, and replacing them with mantras such as “Go fast...not hard. Effortless speed. No resistance.” This is somewhat of an abstract thing to talk about when improving piano technique, but I have seen drastic results in my own playing when adopting these practices. I hope it helps you in your studies!
For links to my webinar, website, social media platforms, free trainings, gear, and other resources, click here:
This podcast discusses the strategies, tips, and techniques that Dr. Josh Wright has picked up over a lifetime of study to help you take your piano playing to the next level!
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