The first leg of the debut tour is over but there’s no time to unwind as Malevolence drop a bomb on Damnation and there’s ArcTanGent bands to announce. Oh, and it’s Glasgow tomorrow…We go again, every Thursday morning.
We're on Tour: Part 1
We’re in Bristol for the opening night of the first 2 Promoters, 1 Tour but don’t fret, we’re here for you, every Thursday, come rain, shine or super stardom.James’ favourite music documentaries, top albums of 2025 so far and Gav’s difficulties with post rock fans. Synthwave, Slamdunk clashes and stupid band fees…We go again, every Thursday morning.
Support Slots, Slayer & Sign Language - Q&A #11
One last rummage through the big bag of questions before Gav and James hit the road for their first tour.Do support bands get a taste of the 80/20 Vs deal cash? Our thoughts on the return of Ghostfest. Will Damnation remain a two-day event following this year's ticket sales? And what bands have we missed out on down the years we kick ourselves about?Also on our minds; the return of Slayer, Tool taking the piss and the aftermath of Stinky Pete. We go again, every Thursday morning.
Stinky Pete
*TRIGGER WARNING*Do NOT consume with food.The infamous "Stinky Pete", who provides toilets for 2000trees and and ArcTanGent, joins the pod - by demand - and does not hold back on the details of what it takes to be the top loo man in town. You may never look at a plastic festival bog the same way again.And shout out to the heroes at Outbreak. We go again, every Thursday morning.
2 Promoters 1 Year
Happy birthday to us. Cheers to every last one of you for the support. Now let's get stuck into what you want to know about, from Bloodstock's winter bash to the worst thing about rock and metal fans.We go again, every Thursday morning.