Hosted by Dr. Michael Sulmeyer, principal cyber advisor to the secretary of the Army, this podcast series features informal conversations with senior Army leade...
In the eighth and final episode of Ctrl Alt Army: Stories from Cyberspace, Dr. Michael Sulmeyer is joined by Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth. Responsible for the service's nearly one million soldiers and overseeing its $185 billion budget, her perspective is perfectly suited to complete this series of insightful discussions with senior leaders on cyber issues and the Army. Her wide-ranging experience over twenty-five years of work on defense and national security policy enables her to provide critical context to the Army's efforts, underway now, to prepare to combat cyber threats and to operate and succeed in cyberspace.
If you missed any of the episodes of Ctrl Alt Army, be sure to find them wherever you get your podcasts!
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Ep. 7 – Lieutenant General Laura Potter
In the seventh episode of Ctrl Alt Army: Stories from Cyberspace, Dr. Michael Sulmeyer is joined by Lieutenant General Laura Potter. Currently serving as the director of the Army staff, she was formerly the Army's deputy chief of staff for intelligence. She began her Army career by commissioning as a military intelligence officer, and in this episode, she lends the experience she has gained in a number of intelligence positions across the Army and the unique perspective she has in her current role to a rich discussion about cyber issues and how the Army has evolved to contend with them.
Be sure to subscribe to Ctrl Alt Army so you don't miss the final episodes in this series of insightful conversations about cyber topics with senior Army leaders!
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Ep. 6 – Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Weimer
In the sixth episode of Ctrl Alt Army: Stories from Cyberspace, Dr. Michael Sulmeyer is joined by Sergeant Major of the Army Michael Weimer. With thirty years of experience in US Army special operations, he brings a unique perspective, shaped by his extensive operational experience, on the many ways in which cyber technologies have become increasingly integrated in US Army activities—and increasingly crucial to the service's success on the battlefield.
Be sure to subscribe to Ctrl Alt Army so you don't miss the rest of this series of insightful conversations about cyber topics with senior Army leaders!
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Ep. 5 – Lieutenant General Omar Jones
In the fifth episode of Ctrl Alt Army: Stories from Cyberspace, Dr. Michael Sulmeyer is joined by Lieutenant General Omar Jones, the commanding general of Army Installation Management Command. He describes his early exposure to computer technology as a junior officer and describes the rapidly growing importance of this technology he has experienced over his Army career. Responsible for eighty Army installations around the world, he describes both the opportunities cyber technologies offer and the risks that must be mitigated.
Be sure to subscribe to Ctrl Alt Army so you don't miss the rest of this series of insightful conversations about cyber topics with senior Army leaders!
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Ep. 4 – Lieutenant General Jody Daniels
In the fourth episode of Ctrl Alt Army: Stories from Cyberspace, Dr. Michael Sulmeyer is joined by Lieutenant General Jody Daniels. The chief of the US Army Reserve, she also holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Massachussets Amherst, giving her a unique perspective on the Army's cyber capabilities, including those resident in the Army Reserve. She shares insights into the Army's efforts to integrate cyber capabilities and other technologies into a wide range of activities and describes ways the Army can harness both emerging technologies and its talent to enhance its operational effectiveness.
Be sure to subscribe to Ctrl Alt Army so you don't miss the rest of this series of insightful conversations about cyber topics with senior Army leaders!
Hosted by Dr. Michael Sulmeyer, principal cyber advisor to the secretary of the Army, this podcast series features informal conversations with senior Army leaders about cyber issues. This is not a podcast by and for cyber specialists about cyber topics, but an opportunity for leaders from wide-ranging professional backgrounds to share how cyber issues have become increasingly impactful on a wide range of noncyber fields.