From the creators of Bri & Dimple on Late Bloomers the Webseries, this is the podcast! What if Statler and Waldorf were two Indian women? Join Rashee & Puja as ...
BONUS! Never Have I Ever... looked back one year later.
So it’s been a year, let’s look back at the show that meant so much to us, #NeverHaveIEver. What are our thoughts a year out? Do we like it more or less? Do we miss it? What other media have we watched since? And the burning question, what will we be covering next???
Join the Late Bloomers, Rashee and Puja, as they discuss, shade, laugh, reveal too much, and finally say smell you later to #NeverHaveIEver.
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This is that Web Series we keep talking about.
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Rashee's Social Instagram: @rasheeraj
TikTok: @rashee.raj
Puja's Social Twitter: @meanrice
32. Never Have I Ever …Said Goodbye
The LAST full episode of the season! We are finally saying goodbye to Sherman Oaks and moving on to bigger and better things! Let's attend a late summer Indian wedding so epic, that it takes place in a magical tent over a magical timeline that can't possibly work.
Join the Late Bloomers, Rashee and Puja as they discuss, shade, laugh, reveal too much, and say goodbye to #NeverHaveIEver.
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This is that Web Series we keep talking about.
Follow Late Bloomers on Facebook.
LateBloomersWebSeries/ Rashee's Social Instagram: @rasheeraj TikTok: @rashee.raj
Puja's Social Twitter: @meanrice
31. Never Have I Ever …Set my Mom up & …Gone to Prom
Just a note listeners we are condensing the season so this is a two-banger episode! We are setting up parents and knocking back underage drinks in a limo on the way to prom.
It's Pati's birthday and we learn about the family IBS problem, a friend's gambling problem, and Ben's limit when it comes to edibles. We also get one more big Devi lie to complicate things before we wind it down and end the season.
Join the Late Bloomers, Rashee and Puja as they discuss, shade, laugh, reveal too much, and say goodbye to #NeverHaveIEver.
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This is that Web Series we keep talking about.
Follow Late Bloomers on Facebook.
LateBloomersWebSeries/ Rashee's Social Instagram: @rasheeraj TikTok: @rashee.raj
Puja's Social Twitter: @meanrice
30. Never Have I Ever ...Been to New Jersey, ...Had My Dream Stolen, ...Had an Identity Crisis
Just a note listeners we are condensing the season so this is a three for one episode! That's we are visiting colleges, learning about teacher potlucks, witnessing a bland chemistry experiment, getting kicked out a supper club, learning to navigate friendships when things become hard, and bearing witness to Paxton's growth (yet again) all in under 45 minutes.
Lessons we learned along the way: put some respect on Gears Brosnan's name, Akshara (the Yale Admissions Officer) screens her calls, the Sherman Oaks Y(MCA) could not teach Eric Perkins to swim, and the Class of 2023 Crickets is filled with a bunch of NARCs.
Join the Late Bloomers, Rashee and Puja as they discuss, shade, laugh, reveal too much, and say goodbye to #NeverHaveIEver.
Leave us a comment or message here:
This is that Web Series we keep talking about.
Follow Late Bloomers on Facebook.
LateBloomersWebSeries/ Rashee's Social Instagram: @rasheeraj TikTok: @rashee.raj
Puja's Social: @meanrice
29. Never Have I Ever …wrecked my future.
This episode includes day-cations with Len, too much shrimp in your California grain bowl, early decision college applications, and patching up the wet spot with a little drywall. Devi meets with boys in storage closets and girls bathrooms, but not for the reasons you think.
Fondly remember your college application experience and join the Late Bloomers, join the Late Bloomers, Rashee and Puja as they discuss, shade, laugh, reveal too much, and say goodbye to #NeverHaveIEver.
Leave us a comment or message here:
This is that Web Series we keep talking about.
Follow Late Bloomers on Facebook.
LateBloomersWebSeries/ Rashee's Social Instagram: @rasheeraj Twitter: @rasheeraj TikTok: @rashee.raj .
Puja's Social Twitter: @meanrice
From the creators of Bri & Dimple on Late Bloomers the Webseries, this is the podcast! What if Statler and Waldorf were two Indian women? Join Rashee & Puja as they get overly critical about art that they actually enjoy.