North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) aim is to ensure all children in North Yorkshire are safe, happy, healthy and achieving. This podcast ...
In this podcast, learn about some of the myths of modern slavery, and if you have a concern that a person is a victim of modern slavery, or experiencing this yourself, how to seek help.
This podcast is brought to you by the North Yorkshrie Safeguarding Children Partnership, the North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership, theNorth Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board, North Yorkshire Police and North Yorkshire County Council.
#modernslavery #antislaveryday #antislaveryday2023
NYSCP Podcast 11 - Briefing for October 2023
Welcome to the NYSCP Podcast. This e-bulletin is the NYSCP e-bulletin briefing for October 2023.
For links to all the documents mentioned in this podcast visit
NYSCP Podcast 10 - September 2023 E-bulletin Briefing
Welcome to the NYSCP Podcast. This e-bulletin is the NYSCP e-bulletin briefing for September 2023.
For links to all the documents mentioned in this podcast visit
NYSCP Podcast 9 - Social, Emotional Mental Health Masterclass - September 2023
The purpose of this session is to share information about support and the services available in North Yorkshire for children and youngpeople’s social and emotional mental health (SEMH), with guidance on how to access them using the Mini Marketplace and the NeedsBased Guidance for SEMH resources.OutcomesDelegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviewsAudienceAnyone working / volunteering with children young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
NYSCP Podcast 8 - Understanding the Dark Web and the risks to young people
Understanding the Dark Web and the risks to young people
About North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) aim is to ensure all children in North Yorkshire are safe, happy, healthy and achieving. This podcast series is produced to provide information on safeguarding and wellbeing issues for children and young people, their families and those who work with them.
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