The Project for Democratic Union (PDU) is a political think-tank which makes the case for a full political union of the Eurozone. We believe in a boldly democra...
Dr. Michael Wolffsohn is a German historian. His latest book, "Zum Weltfrieden", argues that federal structures are the only way to ensure that different we-groups cooperate and live in peace.
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Episode 6 European Elites
Dr. Luca Verzichelli of the University of Siena joins Emilie to talk about European Elites and the federal European project.
Photo from Storm Crypt at Flickr
Part 1: European Parliaments
In this series, I speak with Dr. Ulrike Guerot, founder of the European Democracy Lab. In Part 1, she discusses the European Democracy Lab's survey of national parliamentarians on European democracy. In Part 2, Dr. Guerot lays out her reasons why a new European project should be designed as a republic rather than a federation.
You can find out more about the European Democracy Lab here:
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Part 2: European Republic
In this series, I speak with Dr. Ulrike Guerot, founder of the European Democracy Lab. In Part 1, she discusses the European Democracy Lab's survey of national parliamentarians on European democracy. In Part 2, Dr. Guerot lays out her reasons why a new European project should be designed as a republic rather than a federation.
You can find out more about the European Democracy Lab here:
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Episode 4 European Horizons
Interview with Igor Mitschka and Olga Karnas of European Horizons. You can learn more about their project at
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The Project for Democratic Union (PDU) is a political think-tank which makes the case for a full political union of the Eurozone. We believe in a boldly democratic, unified Europe with a strong civil society and public sphere.