A storytelling and folklore podcast.
Telling some of the famous and not so famous British and Irish myths, legends and folktales, in no particular order.
Returning with a splash, this episode I'm telling one of my favourite Irish tales.
We're on the west coast and knives are out, the waves are rolling in, there's weird women and weddings, strange things lurk in deep waters and perhaps by the end of the story we'll finally answer the age old question: is everything really better down where it's wetter?
Musical credits, sources and more at: https://talesofbritainandireland.com/episode-54-the-knife-against-the-wave/
#Folklore #Myths #Legends #IrishFolklore
53: More like Croglin Strange, am I right?!
A bonus Halloween episode featuring a very well known terrifying tale of a supernatural encounter in Cumbria.
Featuring: Victorians! A perfectly named gothic villain, who is not a villain! A surprising Irish detour! Unnecessary speculation and intimation on my behalf! And an image which has haunted the nightmares of generations of English children. Or at the very least... mine.
Have a great Halloween and Samhain everyone, hope you enjoy this trip to the incredibly pleasing to say... Croglin Grange.
Musical credits and sources at: Tales of Britain and Ireland: Croglin Grange
#Folklore #Myths #Legends #Storytelling
52: Giants
This time we've an appropriately huge episode of tales about British Giants - all stuck together with a vague framing narrative involving the surprising return of one of the podcasts greatest villains/misunderstood just getting on with his life dudes to date.
On the way we'll take in tiny elephants, wulvers, a mermaid, simps, cobblers, tall tales, unfortunate seagulls and slave driving saints in an episode suitably scaled for the topic.
For sources and more visit the episode page on the website: https://talesofbritainandireland.com/episode-52-Giants/
#mythology #folkore #legends #folktales # Legends
51: Boggart discussion with Dr. Simon Young
A very special episode - the podcast's first ever expert discussion section! An interview with the world's leading boggart expert Dr Simon Young answering questions like what are boggarts, where would you find them, why do they look nothing like what we think of as Boggarts today?
Followed by a very short story section about a boggart that isn't really a boggart. Just to round things off.
Sources, musical credits and boggart artwork on the website https://talesofbritainandireland.com/episode-50-boggarts/
#Folklore #Mythology
50: Boggarts
The 50th episode! A huge milestone for me and I'm using it to concentrate on one of my favourite topics I've only touched on so far: Boggarts.
Boggarts abound in this selection of accounts featuring a surprising variety of supernatural sights - shrieking spectres, ghostly geese, inflatable sheep, ineffective graves and much much more.
Come to Boggartdom, meet the feeorin and found out more synonyms for terror than you ever thought you'd need!
Sources, musical credits and boggart artwork on the website https://talesofbritainandireland.com/episode-50-boggarts/
#folklore #storytelling
A storytelling and folklore podcast.
Telling some of the famous and not so famous British and Irish myths, legends and folktales, in no particular order.
Coming direct from South Yorkshire it is currently regularish, and will feature all of the above and whatever other miscellaneous snippets take my fancy.
Presented by Graeme. Website at www.TalesofBritainandIreland.com
#folklore #mythsandlegends