The Army Experimentation Podcast explores the work of the Experimentation and Trials Group as it supports the British Army on its modernisation journey. Each mo...
In this episode, we go into the field at the National Training Centre in California to catch up on one of the largest military experiments in the world. PCC4 is host to multiple nations working together all with a view to develop capabilities for the future. We have focussed on these core areas for experimentation: Networks, Power and energy, STA and Sustainment.
Episode 2 - ITDU and AWE
Episode 2 of the Army Experimentation Podcast comes to you from the Infantry Trials and Development Unit (ITDU) in Warminster where we talk to the Commanding Officer, Lt Col Arthur Dawe about their work trialling new equipment for the Infantry. We also discuss the genesis of the Army Warfighting Experiment with Sam Officer from Future Capabilities Group in DE&S and how ITDU supports the experiment delivery, with a feature from Maj Ben Worley on OWE.
The Army Experimentation Podcast - Episode 1 - Commander ETG
Episode 1 - The pilot edition with Commander ETG.
In this episode, we caught up with Commander ETG, Col Toby Till, in his office to discuss and explain the work of the Experimentation and Trials Group. The first half of this episode summarises the last 12 months and the second half talks about the future, what is next and where the ETG will be experimenting and why in the coming months.
The Army Experimentation Podcast explores the work of the Experimentation and Trials Group as it supports the British Army on its modernisation journey. Each month, the podcast will host different people within the group and highlight some of the ongoing work and future work, highlighting the importance of experimentation work.#ETGPod
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