The Magic Story Podcast is a podcast dedicated to the lore of Magic: The Gathering and its Multiverse. Whether you have been playing Magic for years or just dis...
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | #123: Story Recap with Roy Graham
Join Natalie and Harless as they recap the entirety of Tarkir: Dragonstorm's story—and discuss where we might be headed next—alongside Magic Story Lead Roy Graham. And there's more than just story reveals here; The Magic Story Podcast is also previewing a legendary creature and a dragon from this new set!The Magic Story Podcast is coming to MagicCon: Las Vegas! Join us on Saturday, June 21, for "The Tale of Tarkir: Dragonstorm," a Sealed event hosted by Natalie and Harless. Open boosters from across the history of Tarkir, swap stories with our hosts, and break the dragonstorms!The Magic Story Podcast is an official production of Wizards of the Coast. Hosted by Harless Snyder and Natalie Kreider Produced and directed by Angelina Harris Written and directed by Jubilee Finnegan Edited by Jonathan ChoiPreorder Tarkir: Dragonstorm: Read the Story:
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | #122: Return Full Audio Story
The Meditation Realm is shattered. The dragonstorms rage. And Sarkhan comes to finish his foes, on wings of vengeance. Written by Cassandra Khaw Narrated by Harless Snyder Read the Story: "Episode 7: Return"Preorder Tarkir: Dragonstorm:
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | #121: How Wretched Love Full Audio Story
Odd company in the Meditation Realm. Narset solves a problem and discovers a new one. Written by Cassandra Khaw Narrated by Natalie Kreider Read the Story: "Episode 6: How Wretched Love" Preorder Tarkir: Dragonstorm:
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | #120: Recursion Full Audio Story
Narset and Elspeth venture into the dragonstorms and find a new mystery within them.Written by Cassandra KhawNarrated by Harless SnyderRead the Story: "Episode 5: Recursion"Preorder Tarkir: Dragonstorm:
Tarkir: Dragonstorm | #119: Heart of Fire Full Audio Story
Sarkhan and Taigam's scheming comes to a dark fruition. Elspeth and Narset experience hospitality, against their wishes. Written by Cassandra Khaw Narrated by Natalie Kreider Read the Story: "Episode 4: Heart of Fire"Preorder Tarkir: Dragonstorm:
The Magic Story Podcast is a podcast dedicated to the lore of Magic: The Gathering and its Multiverse. Whether you have been playing Magic for years or just discovered it yesterday, the podcast is intended to be a fun, easy-to-grok entry point to dive deeper into the various characters, settings, and stories that make up Magic: The Gathering.