Join former UK Prime Minter Gordon Brown and the Our Scottish Future team for conversation and debate with interesting individuals, smart thinkers and people wi...
Bringing Positive Change to the Community with Katie Kelly
Positive change is possible in Scotland, and it's happening. New podcast with former East Ayrshire local authority leader Katie Kelly on how the council there helped to build vibrant communities. Political consensus needed to promote this brilliant work across Scotland.Thanks for listening! Get the latest by following @scottish_future
Scotland's Schools: The Next Pisa the Puzzle with Lindsay Paterson and Melvyn Roffe
In the wake of disappointing PISA results, Our Scottish Future Director Eddie Barnes is joined by two experts in Scottish education: Lindsay Paterson, Emeritus Professor of Education Policy at the University of Edinburgh and Melvyn Roffe, Principal of George Watson's College.Listen as they dive deep into Scotland's PISA results; why do they need to improve and how can they improve? This engaging and informative conversation covers multiple areas of Scottish education policy, including the Curriculum for Excellence. Eddie begins the podcast as a pessimist, but by the end is an optimist!Thanks for listening! Get the latest by following @scottish_future
A Little Less Conversation: Closing Scotland's Implementation Gap
*LINK TO VIEW SLIDES REFERENCED*The recording of the presentation of the new report from Our Scottish Future. Titled, "A Little Less Conversation: Closing Scotland's Implementation Gap", the report argues that the successes of devolution has been stymied in recent years by a combination of “too much politics, too much government, a failure to cooperate, and a centralised political culture”. It praises several successes under the Scottish Government but concludes that Ministers too often “govern by press release”.The panel consists of report author, Jamie Gollings, OSF Chair, Prof Jim Gallagher and former civil servants Philip Rycroft and Lucy Hunter Blackburn. 📈 Link to slides:👉 Read the full report here: Follow us on Twitter/X: for listening! Get the latest by following @scottish_future
Scotland's NHS under the microscope
Our Scottish Future's Eddie Barnes is joined by Alex Neil, former Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing, Helen Puttick, health reporter at The Times and Professor David Kerr, head of the OSF health commission and professor of cancer medicine at Oxford University, to discuss Scotland's NHS and how it can be improved.Thanks for listening! Get the latest by following @scottish_future
The Robin Harper Interview
Eddie Barnes interviews Robin Harper. They cover; Harper's headline news making decision to resign from the Scottish Greens -the party he once led as the first Green MSP in the Scottish parliament- to climate change and the future of the UK. Thanks for listening! Get the latest by following @scottish_future
Join former UK Prime Minter Gordon Brown and the Our Scottish Future team for conversation and debate with interesting individuals, smart thinkers and people with new ideas about how we can build a more cooperative UK. Our Scottish Future fights for a better Scotland within a reformed UK, and for a more cooperative UK.