E59 Combining Disciplines Agility and Gun Dog Work with Lily Woodford
Ever thought of doing Gun Dog Training??? In this episode we discuss the positives and negatives of combining these disciplines. Lily started her canine journey in the gun dog world and uses many of those skills with her agility dogs... https://lilywoodforddogtraining.co.uk/
E58 Understanding the iliopsoas muscle with Sam Towe
The iliopsoas muscle is responsible for bringing the rear leg forward. It often doesn't present with lameness but a shortening of stride length. Sam shares her knowledge and experience of dealing with this almost 'hidden' injury'SJT Vet Physio -https://www.facebook.com/share/1696m3D9jp/?mibextid=wwXIfr
E57 The Ultimate Ring Party with Amanda Luttman
Playing some of the biggest roles on the green carpet the Crufts Ring Party is a close knit group who have to work at times under immense pressure. Here Amanda shares insights and experiences of being part of that team.Join our Facebook group for future podcast updates or find us on Instagramhttps://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555623334956&locale=en_GB
E56 Agility my way with Neil Ellis
Neil Ellis is a name synonymous with modern Agility. A world renowned Agility judge, the founder of the brilliant Iconix Agility shows and building a new organisation Agility Nexus which runs its first shows this year... We don't really talk about any of that though... focussing on the individual differences we all have and how we can help each other.Agility Nexus https://agility-nexus.com/Iconix Agility Shows https://www.facebook.com/groups/1566906496815470/
E55 Crufts with Paws Trading
A Crufts update with Jack and AbeeLink to Pawstrading Crufts emails https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmailchi.mp%2Fpawstrading%2Fnewslettersignup%3Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR3KmyHBeWG5fZiGYtJVHyBasGwCsfwqOPSv6bUSV_DDOvAOMS3Qk65XQQ8_aem_j78hrQyHmr-AyeuW4AIB1Q&h=AT36T_67EasnvnhG5kHeL96M2nTMcmuMeA2ljk0IbXgzha-C0Wr7OW2QbQ05rB0kEqcDZ_2Z1Wv3i8gZgLH61e6DSlgnSZ7sHXrMmeblujuHaeRPQ2sDdwCgFrX--zDtuCfHZId6WK0dXCIDUY8And for the Agility and More Academy updates https://manage.kmail-lists.com/subscriptions/subscribe?a=Wb8RMk&g=VDkjyt