"Misquoting Jesus” is the only show where a six-time New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned Bible scholar uncovers the many fascinating, little kn...
Boy Jesus: Growing Up Judean in Turbulent Times Featuring Joan Taylor
If you ask any Christian about the life of Jesus, you’re likely to get a version of one of the gospels of the New Testament - 90% of the story would concern the final few years of Jesus’ life, with a brief mention of his birth in Bethlehem to a virgin and the subsequent flight to Egypt. Historians don’t often talk about what Jesus’ childhood and adolescence may have looked like, but my guest today is a welcome exception to that rule! Dr. Joan Taylor joins me to talk about her new book, “Boy Jesus: Growing Up Judean in Turbulent Times”.
Are There Authentic Sayings of Jesus from Outside the New Testament?
Early Christian writings from outside the New Testament contain some pretty unexpected material - a giant walking, talking cross and Jesus’ childhood pastime of bringing clay birds to life are both examples that we’ve discussed before. But do these additional documents also contain authentic sayings of Jesus that are overlooked by Christians because they’re not contained within the New Testament?
Does Altruism Actually Exist?
Picture this: a man in his 80s trying to cross the street, but the traffic doesn’t pause for long enough for him to cross. A young woman notices his difficulty, and runs over to help. Does the young woman get any kind of benefit from her action, or is it entirely thankless? Today, Dr. Bart Ehrman and I are talking about altruism. Is it possible to do a good deed without experiencing some kind of benefit?
Does Paul Think God Hates Jews?
The apostle Paul went from being a devout Jew, one of God’s chosen people, to an enthusiastic missionary for the Jesus movement. Today, Dr. Bart Ehrman and I look at Paul’s writings to consider whether this shift also changed his self-identification as a Jew, and if he believed that God no longer favored the Jewish people.
Did Jesus Believe in Heaven?
The fear of death is an experience common to most of humanity - in fact, one of the oldest pieces of literature, the Epic of Gilgamesh, shows one man’s struggle with that very fear. Christianity’s promise of heaven provides a safe haven from that fear - but what did Jesus think about life after death? Today on Misquoting Jesus, Dr. Bart Ehrman discusses what the Gospels tell us about Jesus’ thoughts and beliefs surrounding death, and to ask whether he would even have recognized our modern concept of an eternal paradise.
"Misquoting Jesus” is the only show where a six-time New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned Bible scholar uncovers the many fascinating, little known facts about the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and the rise of Christianity. The show features Dr. Bart Ehrman and host, Megan Lewis.
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