In this episode of Nephilim Death Squad, hosts David Lee Corbo (aka The Raven) and Top Lobsta welcome special guest John Le Bon for a deep dive into the mysteries of our reality. From questioning ancient history and the credibility of recorded events to analyzing the nature of our world, this conversation challenges mainstream narratives and explores the unseen forces at play.John Le Bon shares his journey into alternative research, detailing how his skepticism of official stories led him to investigate topics like NASA’s deception, the validity of historical records, and the widely debated flat earth theory. The discussion covers the “Final Experiment” in Antarctica, the inconsistencies in our understanding of space, and how modern science may be more about control than truth.The conversation also ventures into the metaphysical, questioning whether we are living in a controlled system designed to keep us in the dark. From theories of interdimensional travel to the spiritual implications of the elite’s hidden agendas, the discussion touches on biblical references, the role of the Nephilim, and how secret societies may be shaping our perception of reality.Other key topics include the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and whether their timing was coincidental, the possibility that history itself has been fabricated, and how media and entertainment industries use predictive programming to manipulate public consciousness. The parallels between The Truman Show and the real-world awakening process further highlight the idea that knowledge is being selectively revealed to those who seek it.FOLLOW JOHN LE BON:John le Bon – The World’s Leading SkepticJOIN THE PATREON FOR AD FREE EPISODES BEFORE THEY DROP AND BECOME PART OF THE GROWING COMMUNITY OF DANGEROUS RTRDs ON TELEGRAM: US ON SOCIAL MEDIA:NEPHILIM DEATH SQUAD:Nephilim Death Squad | ALL LINKShttp://
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