Rob Has a Podcast | Survivor, Big Brother & Reality TV
Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino | RHAP Productions
The ultimate Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino, leads the RHAP network as we bring you all of the best commentary and interviews around SURVIVOR, BIG BROTHER...
The Traitors US Season 3 Ep 7 Derrick Levasseur Exit Interview
Rob and Pooya sit down to chat with the latest boot from The Traitors US Season 3.
Survivor 48 Pre-Game Day 8: Vula Tribe
Rob Cesternino and Mike Bloom dive into the Vula tribe of Survivor 48 in this pre-season preview episode.
15 Years of RHAP Lore: Part 1
The Lore-Al History of RHAP Pt. 1 Rob Has a Podcast is celebrating our 15th-anniversary! This podcast kicks off a three-part series celebrating RHAP’s journey since its inception on February 12, 2010. Rob invites 15 friends to share their favorite moments from RHAP lore, offering listeners a nostalgic trip through the podcast’s early years. Today, […]
Explaining EXTRACTED: Fox’s New Survival Series
Explaining EXTRACTED: Fox’s New Survival Series Rob Cesternino welcomes survival expert Megan Hine to discuss Fox’s innovative reality show, Extracted. This series introduces a fresh twist to survival TV by placing the fate of contestants in the hands of their loved ones. Megan, who serves as the head of extraction, shares insights into the show’s […]
RAANAP 282: Story Time
This week, Rob and Akiva discuss listener-submitted stories.
About Rob Has a Podcast | Survivor, Big Brother & Reality TV
The ultimate Survivor Know-It-All, Rob Cesternino, leads the RHAP network as we bring you all of the best commentary and interviews around SURVIVOR, BIG BROTHER, THE TRAITORS, THE AMAZING RACE and much more.
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