Welcome to SIMPOL Insights, a series of interviews with today’s leading thinkers in the field of civilisation design, collective intelligence and conscious evol...
Anotol explains why only strong nations can deal with climate change. But what kind of nationalism is needed to get individual nations to deal with global problems? And what role might international cooperation play? More on Simpol at https://www.simpol.org
Ken Wilber
More on Ken Wilber at Integral Life https://integrallife.com/ More on Simpol at https://www.simpol.org More on Conscious Evolution at https://www.consciousevolution.co.uk/
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens, founder of the P2P Foundation talks about global challenges, the commons, Simpol and other P2P solutions. To pledge your support for global cooperation visit: https://simpol.org/
David Sloan Wilson
One of the world's top evolutionary biologists, David Sloan Wilson, talks about his first fictional book, Atlas Hugged, and about evolutionary principles extending from the tiniest organisms up to the global level. More on Atlas Hugged at https://atlashugged.world/ To pledge your support for global cooperation visit: https://simpol.org/
Emil Ejner Friis
Emil Ejner Friis, one of the founders of Metamoderna, talks about Metamodernism and the need for transnational forms of politics such as Simpol. More at https://metamoderna.org/ To pledge your support for global cooperation visit https://simpol.org/
Welcome to SIMPOL Insights, a series of interviews with today’s leading thinkers in the field of civilisation design, collective intelligence and conscious evolution. In a world confronted with global warming, pandemics, increasing inequality and political polarisation, SIMPOL Insights aims to bring light to the darkness and chart a course towards a cooperative global society.