Kylie Invites Jude onto the green Dragon to have a chat about their new Favorite Army List: The Battle of Fornost!
Ep 111 Middle Earth SBG 7th Edition Review Part 2
Kylie, Matt, Jeremy, and Tim. Finish off their review of the New edition of Middle Earth Strategy Battle game, by discussing, the New profiles, Armies, and Scenarios.
Ep 110 Middle Earth SBG 7th Edition Review Part 1
Join Kylie with Jeremy and David, and Special guest Tim. As the group delves deeply into the new 7th Edition of Middle Earth SBG.
For those wanting to follow along with Tim's amazing comparison document you can find it here.
Ep 109 Catching Up with a Very Old Friend - Battle Hardended Tournament Recap
Kylie has a Chat with an old friend, Henry, about a recent-ish tournament.
Ep 108 Rise of Angmar
Kylie and Jeremy finally sit down and talk about the Rise of Angmar supplement. Just in time for the new edition to come out.