The histories of the British and Irish civil wars of the mid-Seventeenth century are usually written from the perspective of the conflict fought on land while the strategic importance of the war at sea which contributed so much to Parliament’s eventual victory, is often ignored or only mentioned in passing. But these maritime engagements were ... Read more
The European context – The British Civil Wars and the 30 years war
As civil war raged in Britain, the heart of Europe was being torn apart by a bitter conflict which lasted from 1618 to 1648. These three decades became a byword for the horrors of war unsurpassed until the world wars of the 20th century. Every European power apart from Russia, was sucked into the fighting as ... Read more
Royalist conspiracy – the story of the Sealed Knot
The Sealed Knot was the most important, and certainly the most famous, royalist organization to emerge in England during the Protectorate. At its heart was a group of second sons of Royalist families in East Anglia, each of whom had fought for the King in the Civil War. Their experiences left them suspicious of reckless ... Read more
She-Intelligencers – Women and espionage in the British Civil Wars
For the first time the role played by women in the espionage networks of both sides in the Civil Wars is being recovered through the pioneering research conducted by Nadine Akkerman, Professor of Early Modern Literature and Culture at Leiden University in the Netherlands. Professor Akkerman tells publisher, Mike Gibbs, how she uncovered the extent ... Read more
“A war of trenches, ramparts, palisades, bombardments and blockades”- Fortress warfare
The British civil wars were largely played out around numerous fortified strongpoints at locally important strategic sites throughout the three Kingdoms. Such “fortresses” ranged from purpose-built artillery platforms known as sconces which can still be seen in places such as Newark in Nottinghamshire, through to medieval castles such as Corfe in Dorset or local homes ... Read more