Step into the TARDIS to travel with the Doctors and their companions on exciting adventures through time and space!For 25 years, Big Finish Productions has been...
Katy Bell returns to her Midlands home to find strange goings-on at the buskers fair. A witch trial in the 1980s. A bonfire ready to be lit...Luckily, a colourful visitor is already investigating, and the local vicar, Katy's dad, is versed in tales of the macabre. Terrifying forces are on the loose, and the town hall holds a secret. There is black magic in the Black Country, and the Doctor has the name of his enemy on the tip of his tongue...Something wicked this way comes. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Doctor Who: Fallen Angels Part 2
2015: When sightseers Joel and Gabby Finch encounter a strange man in Edwardian cricketing garb in the Sistine Chapel, their honeymoon suddenly takes a terrifying turn.1511: Michelangelo is commissioned to create some very special sculptures by a mysterious sect. But as he carves, angels seem to emerge fully-formed from the rock. Almost as if they are alive...From Michelangelo's workshop to the catacombs of Rome, the Fifth Doctor must keep his wits about him and his eyes wide open as he confronts the Weeping Angels. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Doctor Who: Fallen Angels Part 1
2015: When sightseers Joel and Gabby Finch encounter a strange man in Edwardian cricketing garb in the Sistine Chapel, their honeymoon suddenly takes a terrifying turn.1511: Michelangelo is commissioned to create some very special sculptures by a mysterious sect. But as he carves, angels seem to emerge fully-formed from the rock. Almost as if they are alive...From Michelangelo's workshop to the catacombs of Rome, the Fifth Doctor must keep his wits about him and his eyes wide open as he confronts the Weeping Angels. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Doctor Who: Wave of Destruction Part 2
Fourth Doctor Adventures - A modulated frequency wave cancellation signal isn't something that the Doctor and Romana expect to detect in 1960s London. But then they don't expect to find Professor Lanchester, the man who invented it, lying unconscious. Or MI5 investigating.With the help of MI5 Agent Miller, Lanchester's daughter Jill, and his nephew a pirate radio DJ called Mark, the Doctor, Romana and K-9 investigate. They soon discover that there is more at risk than they imagined, and an alien invasion is about to begin.Can the Doctor identify and defeat the aliens in time? Will Romana manage to find a recombinant transducer before it's too late? And how will K-9 cope with his new job? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Doctor Who: Wave of Destruction Part 1
Fourth Doctor Adventures - A modulated frequency wave cancellation signal isn't something that the Doctor and Romana expect to detect in 1960s London. But then they don't expect to find Professor Lanchester, the man who invented it, lying unconscious. Or MI5 investigating.With the help of MI5 Agent Miller, Lanchester's daughter Jill, and his nephew a pirate radio DJ called Mark, the Doctor, Romana and K-9 investigate. They soon discover that there is more at risk than they imagined, and an alien invasion is about to begin.Can the Doctor identify and defeat the aliens in time? Will Romana manage to find a recombinant transducer before it's too late? And how will K-9 cope with his new job? Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Step into the TARDIS to travel with the Doctors and their companions on exciting adventures through time and space!For 25 years, Big Finish Productions has been creating thrilling full-cast audio dramas set in the worlds of Doctor Who. Featuring specially composed music and cinematic sound effects, these stories are officially licensed by the BBC and star the original cast of the TV series.In this new podcast, the Sixth Doctor himself, Colin Baker, introduces fan-favourite stories from Big Finish’s back catalogue, presented in full alongside insightful behind-the-scenes interviews. So, join the Doctors – as played by David Tennant, Tom Baker, and more – as they explore the universe with friends old and new, facing off against familiar aliens and terrifying villains. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.