A podcast documenting cooking, eating and domestic life. Often recorded in kitchens.
Produced and hosted by Lucy Dearlove
lecker (German): delicious {adj} [fo...
Introducing....The Lost Food of Soho, a new audio piece commissioned and published by Vittles and written, narrated and produced by me (Lucy Dearlove).
This is just a very small taster, you can listen to the whole thing for free on Vittles itself, or on all good podcast platforms. https://www.vittlesmagazine.com/
With big thanks to Jonathan Nunn and Adam Coghlan who I worked closely with through the production of this piece, and to the other Vittles editors who provided crucial feedback.
Hilary Armstrong – writer, worked in Andrew Edmunds
Marcus Harris – DJ/promoter
Russell Davies – creator of eggbaconchipsandbeans
Jeremy Lee – chef proprietor of Quo Vadis
Christine Yau – former owner of Y Ming
Darren Coffield – artist and author of Tales From The Colony Room: Soho’s Lost Bohemia
Iain Sinclair – author
Polly – sex work and organiser with SWARM
Megan Macedo – writer and former Sister Ray employee
Anna Sulan Masing Blames the Victorians
On Book Club this month: Anna Sulan Masing's Chinese and Any Other Asian, an eye-opening and moving book about East and South East Asian identity in Britain.
You can find a transcript for this episode at leckerpodcast.com.
Chinese and Any Other Asian is out now. Find all of the Lecker Book Club reads on my Bookshop.org list. [aff link]
Support Lecker by becoming a paid subscriber on Patreon, Apple Podcasts and now on Substack.
Music is by Blue Dot Sessions.
S8 Ep5: Shaken and Stirred (To Be Delicious #5)
In the final episode of To Be Delicious, Anna considers the future of MSG in the UK. Drinks culture has an inherent playfulness and creativity that makes it the perfect experimentation lab for seeking out where MSG might go next. She meets two key figures in London (and the world!)'s bar scene to understand how they're using it as an ingredient, and how umami as a flavour presents itself in drinks.
Ryan Chetiyawardana, whose goes by the moniker Mr Lyan, has bars that have reshaped cocktail culture in the UK and around the world, shares how his approach to bartending and recipe development within drinks makes space for savoury and umami flavours. And Cyan Wong, bartender and Schweppes brand ambassador, mixes a unique savoury cocktail for Anna and Lucy.
Watch Ryan’s new TV show, Mr Lyan’s Taste Trips, where he travels the world exploring flavour through drinks on YouTube https://youtube.com/@mrlyanstastetrips?si=fyLXUMDnv8H2_8eS
In To Be Delicious, Dr Anna Sulan Masing explores MSG - and more broadly umami - through the lens of East and South East Asian food heritage and diaspora food culture in the UK. From fritters to instant ramen, fermentation to takeaways, these five episodes open out the conversation around MSG and find a breadth of new ways for us to think about its usage within cooking, and its importance within cultural heritage.
Hosted by @annasulan
Produced by @dearlovelucy & @annasulan
Original theme music by @midorijaeger
Podcast artwork by @npl_illustration
Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions.
The series is completely editorially independent and was made possible, along with Anna's wider research, by support from the European Committee for Umami and Ajinomoto.
Anna's book, Chinese and Any Other Asian: Exploring East and South East Asian Identity in Britain is out now! Order here.
S8 Ep4: Make a Home (To Be Delicious #4)
On umami in diaspora, from chicken salt to bay leaves.
Dr Johnny Drain explains how garum is the root of many of our umami based sauces. Author and cook Kate Young prepares a classic Australian English mince on toast, with essential MSG. Chef Dara Klein reflects on how she's learned to find home everywhere, via the kitchen. Noby Leong considers adaptation and evolution in his family cooking.
Plus chefs SongSoo Kim and Tim Anderson on some of the gastronomic and linguistic nuances of umami.
In To Be Delicious, Dr Anna Sulan Masing explores MSG - and more broadly umami - through the lens of East and South East Asian food heritage and diaspora food culture in the UK. From fritters to instant ramen, fermentation to takeaways, these five episodes open out the conversation around MSG and find a breadth of new ways for us to think about its usage within cooking, and its importance within cultural heritage.
Hosted by @annasulan
Produced by @dearlovelucy & @annasulan
Original theme music by @midorijaeger
Podcast artwork by @npl_illustration
Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions.
The series is completely editorially independent and was made possible, along with Anna's wider research, by support from the European Committee for Umami and Ajinomoto.
Anna's book, Chinese and Any Other Asian: Exploring East and South East Asian Identity in Britain is out now! Order here.
S8 Ep3: The Frontline of MSG (To Be Delicious #3)
Chinese takeaways are a national institution in the UK, and have also - for many years now - been the frontline where public understanding of MSG comes to a head. Angela Hui, whose book Takeaway has shone a light on life growing up behind the counter, and her mum, Jin Tian, spend a day with Lucy and Anna; showing them around their home town in South Wales, then Jin Tian's garden and home kitchen, while considering and dispelling the prevalent stereotypes around British Chinese takeaway food.
Takeaway: Stories from a Childhood Behind the Counter is out now in paperback, available from all good book shops.
In To Be Delicious, Dr Anna Sulan Masing explores MSG - and more broadly umami - through the lens of East and South East Asian food heritage and diaspora food culture in the UK. From fritters to instant ramen, fermentation to takeaways, these five episodes open out the conversation around MSG and find a breadth of new ways for us to think about its usage within cooking, and its importance within cultural heritage.
Hosted by @annasulan
Produced by @dearlovelucy & @annasulan
Original theme music by @midorijaeger
Podcast artwork by @npl_illustration
Additional music by Blue Dot Sessions.
The series is completely editorially independent and was made possible, along with Anna's wider research, by support from the European Committee for Umami and Ajinomoto.
Anna's book, Chinese and Any Other Asian: Exploring East and South East Asian Identity in Britain is out now! Order here.
A podcast documenting cooking, eating and domestic life. Often recorded in kitchens.
Produced and hosted by Lucy Dearlove
lecker (German): delicious {adj} [food], tasty {adj}, mouth-watering {adj}
Logo design by Holly Gorne