#136: Does Reading Make Us Better People? and And Then There Were None vs The Invisible Host
Agatha Christie, Gwen Bristow, Bruce Manning and reading morality – welcome to episode 136 of Tea or Books?! In the first half of this episode, we discuss whether or not we take moral instruction from the books we read –
#135: Can Literary Fiction Be A Comfort Read? and Enter Ghost vs Lady Living Alone
Isabella Hammad, Norah Lofts, comfort reads – welcome to episode 135! In the first half, we discuss whether or not literary fiction can be comfort reads – thank you for the suggestion, Marcy! In the second half, we compare
#134: Our Top 10 Books of 2024
Happy new year! In episode 134, Rachel and I share our favourite books reads in 2024 – counting down from ten to one. And we each pick one of the other’s top 10 to read for our next episode! Thanks
#133: Do We Have Reading Rules? and Two Willa Cather Novels
Willa Cather and reading rules – welcome to episode 133 of ‘Tea or Books?’! In the first half, we discuss reading rules – when we’re picking up a book, are there certain things that will definitely put us off? In
#132: Interview: Edward Carey on Edith Holler
Edward Carey joins us to discuss his latest novel, Edith Holler. Welcome to episode 132! Rachel and I both love Edward Carey’s novels, so it was a real joy to have the opportunity to interview him. We discuss how he