Weekly sermons from the esteemed evangelist and Bible teacher Rico Tice.
The Bible Explored is created in partnership by Premier and Christianity Explored.
Rico highlights the three 'musts' of John chapter 3, and shows how John the Baptist shone the spotlight on Jesus, as he brings fresh insights from this familiar Bible passage
A fresh start
Rico Tice explains how we can only have a fresh start in life by being born again, as we sit with Nicodemus and Jesus and hear Christ explain what exactly being born again means.
A world of make believe
Rico Tice debunks critisisms of the Bible's reliability and unpacks John the Baptist's words in John 1:29 "Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world".
Why look for the living among the dead?
Death is possibly the most tabboo subject. But Rico faces it head on as he looks at how we react to death and in particular, why we must not treat Jesus as if He's dead.
The promise of Paradise
Rico demonstrates how the Bible is not two books of Old and New Testaments but one book. He shows us the prediction, the person and the puzzle of Christ's death
Weekly sermons from the esteemed evangelist and Bible teacher Rico Tice.
The Bible Explored is created in partnership by Premier and Christianity Explored.
For more Christian podcasts head to the website premier.plus or download the Premier Plus app.
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