The Universalis apps and website give you the Mass readings and every Hour of the Liturgy of the Hours for every day of every year. This podcast continues the...
The Liturgy of the Hours: how to do psalms, and the origin of the psalm-prayers. How to get the psalm-prayers in Universalis. The Annunciation; the namelessness of God; St Etheldreda’s and the tax-collectors. An example of justice. Episode notes.
The week ahead – from 16 to 22 March
The Transfiguration in Lent and out of it: two views of the same landscape. "Do not judge", and when and how we have to judge. Judgement as love and justice as virtue. How to donate: Episode notes.
The week ahead – from 9 to 15 March
Giving up things for Lent. Social media, and the still centre invaded by noise. Reconquering the still centre and inviting God in. The Scriptures as paint applied year by year. Paying other people to do our charity. Jonah and comedy. Ezekiel and hereditary guilt. The anniversary of this podcast. How to donate: Episode notes.
The week ahead – from 2 to 8 March
The Book of Job. Some Lenten exercises. Almsgiving: secret or public? How the Word on Fire conference went. Episode notes.
The week ahead – from 23 February to 1 March
The Book of Ecclesiastes. Greek philosophy and Jewish wisdom. Where true value comes from. The goodness of work. How Universalis started. Get up and do something! Episode notes.
The Universalis apps and website give you the Mass readings and every Hour of the Liturgy of the Hours for every day of every year. This podcast continues the theme. It tells you how to use Universalis and regularly points you to the highlights of the liturgy of the coming days.
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