Tommy Burns - The Cause for Canonisation: Patrick O'Hara looks at the possible opening of a Cause for Canonisation of Scottish football legend Tommy Burns.
Featuring Patrick O'Hara; Christopher McLaughlin - Tommy Burns Cause for Canonisation coordinating team. To contact the Tommy Burns Cause for Canonisation coordinating team please email: [email protected].
Saint Francis of Assisi church Port Glasgow fiftieth anniversary: Yvonne O'Hara and Vanda Kettelhut report on the celebrations.
Featuring Yvonne O'Hara - Communications Commission; Vanda Kettelhut - Communications Commission; Father Jonathan Whitworth - parish priest; Ann Graham - parishioner; Hayley McIntyre - parishioner; Bishop John Keenan - Bishop of Paisley; Father Joe Burke - former parish priest; Jack McAlindon - parishioner; Canon Joseph Balmer - former parish priest; James Gemmell - parishioner.
Jubilee Year of Hope 2025: Vanda Kettelhut talks to Canon Jim Duggan about the Diocese of Paisley's plans to celebrate the year.
Featuring Canon Jim Duggan - Vicar Episcopal for Evangelisation; Vanda Kettelhut - Communications Commission.
Primary school children's Advent retreat: Tony Waterston reports on the diocesan retreat for P4s to P7s at Saint Mirin's Cathedral.
Featuring Tony Waterston; Kerry Miller - Youth Commission; Father Ryan Black - Vicar Episcopal for Youth.
Visit of the Papal Nuncio: Sancta Familia Media present highlights of the visit of His Excellency Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendía.
Featuring John Mallon and Brian Timmons - cofounders of Sancta Familia Media; Christie Downie - Head Teacher of Saint Luke's High School, Barrhead; Karen Hunter - Deputy Head Teacher of Saint Luke's High School, Barrhead; Reverend Jim Gibson - Minister of Paisley Abbey; His Excellency Archbishop Miguel Maury Buendía - Papal Nuncio to Great Britain; The Right Reverend Bishop John Keenan - Bishop of Paisley.