Hey If you are interested in metal detecting please check out my podcast where each week I talk about my own adventures in metal detecting, I brake down technic...
Hi allThis week I publish the last episode of the podcast in its current form. It's been a great 3+ years and I wish to thank all the show supporters and community worldwide. The podcast will still live as most of the content is evergreen and will remain relevant for a long time. Thanks again get out there GLHHSupport the showThanks for listening. You can contact and support the show using the following link.YoutubeContact:VoicemailTwitterInstagramDr DetectorCiaranSupport:PatreonBuymeaCoffee
Recovery and Response
This week we continue our series on metal detector features where we pick a feature and break it down to how it works and how it should be used this week it is the turn of recovery and response, We chat about what it is how it works and where to use it. However, before we start I want to thank you for listening to the podcast and I hope you enjoy the episode this week If you want to support the show there are many options available from the links in the episode notes below and if you want to interact with me and the show that information is there too.but most importantly If you like this content please don’t hesitate to tell your friends and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button.Support the showThanks for listening. You can contact and support the show using the following link.YoutubeContact:VoicemailTwitterInstagramDr DetectorCiaranSupport:PatreonBuymeaCoffee
Leaky O-Rings On your Metal Detector We have a Cream for That!!!!
This Week we are asked by a viewer to chat about how to maintain your underwater metal detector, especially your O-RIngs. So we Cover IP Ratings, Chat about Preventative Maintenance, Cleaning and Maintaining your Underwater detector to keep it in its best condition.Support the showThanks for listening. You can contact and support the show using the following link.YoutubeContact:VoicemailTwitterInstagramDr DetectorCiaranSupport:PatreonBuymeaCoffee
Metal Detecting at Festivals
Festivals Baby!!!!!!!This week we answer a question from the Top Dog himself Mervin who is the long-standing and first Patreon to the podcast for which I am ever grateful. Mervin wants to know of any pitfalls that may arise in attending Detectival this year, so we chat about Customs and Export a possible tactic to help you maximise ground and energy conservation. So Let's get on with the show.However, before we start I want to thank you for listening to the podcast and I hope you enjoy the episode this week If you want to support the show there are many options available from the links in the episode notes below and if you want to interact with me and the show that information is there too.but most importantly If you like this content please don’t hesitate to tell your friends and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button.Support the showThanks for listening. You can contact and support the show using the following link.YoutubeContact:VoicemailTwitterInstagramDr DetectorCiaranSupport:PatreonBuymeaCoffee
Securing Your Metal Detector
Hey! This week we chat about how to best secure your metal detector to best prevent you loosing your detector to an opportunistic thief.However, before we start I want to thank you for listening to the podcast and I hope you enjoy the episode this week If you want to support the show there are many options available from the links in the episode notes below and if you want to interact with me and the show that information is there too.but most importantly If you like this content please don’t hesitate to tell your friends and don’t forget to hit that subscribe button.Support the showThanks for listening. You can contact and support the show using the following link.YoutubeContact:VoicemailTwitterInstagramDr DetectorCiaranSupport:PatreonBuymeaCoffee
Hey If you are interested in metal detecting please check out my podcast where each week I talk about my own adventures in metal detecting, I brake down technical aspects of the hobby, all coupled with guest interviews discussing their successful hunting methods and product reviews. You can interact with the show by leaving a voicemail via https://linktr.ee/themetaldetectingshow Chat Soon.