A podcast with abstract artist Claire Hankey. Through a series of interviews with established contemporary artists, Claire explores how early childhood memories...
In this final episode of Series 2, I chat to the inspirational monumental sculptor, Isabel Langtry. Isabel is the Principal of Hampstead School of Art in London, she was born in Nigeria and was bilingual from an early age. In this episode, Isabel shares some precious memories of her childhood including a visit to The Tutankhamun Exhibition which had a lasting impact on her artwork.
To learn more about Isabel and her wonderful sculptures which can be found all over the world, tap the links below.
Isabel's portfolio
Hampstead School of Art.
Isabel on Instagram
Episode 5, S2 -Adam Taylor
In this episode, I chat to the contemporary painter, Adam Taylor. Adam talks about how the loneliness he experienced as a child had a positive effect on his art. Adam also shares some of his inexpensive tools and talks about how his grandmother may have indirectly played a role in his becoming an artist.
To visit Adam's website go to-
You can also find out there about Adam's shows-
AKA gallery, Cambridge-
Matthew Burrows MBE- Episode 4, S2
In this episode I'm talking to the contemporary painter and founder of The Artists Support Pledge, Matthew Burrows. Matthew grew up in the Wirral in the North West of England. He was the youngest in his family and experienced a lot of freedom in his childhood, playing out in the fields with friends, building dens and making all kinds of things.
During our chat he recalls a pivotal moment in his early years whilst drawing with his Father on holiday. He also talks about his connection with nature which he believes stems from childhood and how he likens the experience of making art to running, which he does regularly - ultra marathons no less!
Find out more about The Artists Support Pledge here.
Visit Matthew's website here.
See Matthew's Instagram here.
Contact me if you've got any comments you'd like to share about this podcast at [email protected].
Visit my website...www.clairehankeyartist.com
Charuka Arora- Episode 3, S2
In this episode, I chat with the artist, designer and entrepreneur Charuka Arora. Charuka is based in Agra, India, she is the founder of the Artstohearts Project which is an organisation supporting emerging female artists across the world. Charuka also has her own podcast The Artstohearts podcast.
We had a few connection issues throughout this call so but we managed to complete the interview in the end!
This is a very poignant episode in which the Charuka talks about loss, heritage and how her art making gives her comfort and solace. See the links below to find out more or get in touch with Charuka.
Instagram - artstoheartsproject
Instagram -charukaarora
Get in touch with me at [email protected]
Laura Menzies- Episode 2, S2
In this episode I chat with Laura Menzies, the Cornwall based painter. Laura shares how she grew up in Dorset on a remote island immersed in nature, and how she feels this has shaped the art she creates today.
For information on Laura's Oil and Cold wax workshops, her beautiful book 'Inner Landscapes' and her stunning paintings, see the link below.
To see Laura's latest exhibition at Morgan's Gallery in Falmouth, click the link below https://www.morgansfalmouth.com/no5-2024
Contact me at [email protected]
A podcast with abstract artist Claire Hankey. Through a series of interviews with established contemporary artists, Claire explores how early childhood memories and experiences play a role in their artwork and practice. This podcast is for anyone interested in art and creativity, particularly artists, collectors, teachers and art therapists.
To learn more about Claire and her abstract paintings inspired by memories, visit www.clairehankeyartist.com.