The podcast Adventures of Curiosity Cove is a magical realm filled with endless adventures and original stories. Anchored by the beloved series “Ella the Curiou...
Ella the Curious dreams of getting a new easel and decides to sell her first pieces of artwork to make it happen. Her parents think it’s a great way for her to learn the value of hard work. This heartwarming Thanksgiving episode is all about understanding the importance of working for what you want and discovering that giving can be one of the greatest gifts of all. Adventure awaits in Curiosity Cove!
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The Island Vacation
When Ella the Curious overhears part of a conversation, her excitement leads her to spread the news—only to find out she’s created a rumor that's far from the truth! Join Ella as she learns the importance of getting the full story before sharing it with others. This episode is all about understanding the power of words and the fun of figuring out the real story. Adventure awaits in Curiosity Cove!
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The Mayor of Ghost Town Part 2
Meet Jameson, a kind little ghost trying to find his way in the world. He stumbles upon a country western (ghost town, no pun intended) and learns to stand up to others, find his voice, and helps those around him while making himself a new home. This charming story is all about bravery, self-discovery, and the power of kindness. Adventure awaits in Curiosity Cove!
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The Mayor of Ghost Town Part 1
Meet Jameson, a kind little ghost trying to find his way in the world. He stumbles upon a country western (Ghost Town, no pun intended) and learns to stand up to others, find his voice, and helps those around him while making himself a new home. This charming story is all about bravery, self-discovery, and the power of kindness. Adventure awaits in Curiosity Cove!
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The Halloween Creepy Crawl
It’s Halloween, Ella the Curious’s favorite time of year! Join Ella as she faces her fears during the spooky season and discovers that even adults have to confront their fears. By leaning into what scares her, Ella finds that the rewards can be even greater. Adventure awaits in Curiosity Cove!
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The podcast Adventures of Curiosity Cove is a magical realm filled with endless adventures and original stories. Anchored by the beloved series “Ella the Curious”, this enchanting place also invites you to explore other captivating tales. Journey into the mysteries of space, discover the power of being the light, and much more. The Adventures of Curiosity Cove is where imagination thrives, and every story is a new adventure waiting to be told. Here, creativity and curiosity come to life, making it a haven for all who love to dream and explore and also turn off the screen for a bit.