Welcome to Bud and Griff's Gaming Creepshow - a podcast where we talk to each other - and guests in the horror end of roleplaying - about horror gaming, while t...
In this episode MoB tells us about... well lots of stuff. Have a listen!
Episode 33 - MoB (part 1)
In this episode we chat to the co-owner and Vice-President of Chaosium - MoB (or Michael O'Brien as his mother calls him).
We chat a LOT of RuneQuest, including ChaosiumCon Europe for next year, the value of Chaosium employees being around $93 million due to a rounding error and LOTS of Sun County.
Episode 32 - Andrew Logan Montgomery
Pookie guesting as my co-host for this one.
Andrew Logan Montgomery is here to chat about all things RuneQuest.
Episode 31 - Bud interviews Griff
Episode 30 - The top three movie chat
Here Bud and Griff talk about their top three horror movies.
Welcome to Bud and Griff's Gaming Creepshow - a podcast where we talk to each other - and guests in the horror end of roleplaying - about horror gaming, while trying to have a laugh at the same time.
If you enjoy what we do and feel like donating to the show to keep us going, you can send it to Bud's ko-fi - please flag it as for the podcast.
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