Welcome to e-Governance Academy’s podcast to discover the future of governance. e-Governance Academy has assisted digital transformation globally in more than 1...
It is no mystery that the search for IT professionals to join the public sector’s ranks has come to be a full-fledged quest. Yet, next to being a challenge to address, it opens up opportunities for organisational growth, and also – perhaps – a few ways to rethink work. On the table, there should be a real understanding of people’s wishes and expectations from work. Next to that, public administrations should considerately present potential prospects of all value that comes from working in the public sector. Which means, for the community at large. In this podcast episode, Kadi Kanarbik, Senior Expert at e-Governance Academy outlines what makes recruiting and retaining IT talent effective, and the value propositions that the public administration should never forget to highlight.
Security Operations Centres Are a Boon to Cybersecurity
With cyber threats growing in sophistication and scale, organisations must rethink their strategies to safeguard digital assets and operational continuity. Security Operations Centers (SOCs) stand at the forefront of this effort, acting as centralised hubs where cybersecurity professionals monitor, manage, and mitigate threats. The rise in cyber threats – estimated to have grown by 25% annually over the past half-decade – has amplified the importance of SOCs. In this podcast hosted by Merle Maigre, Head of Cybersecurity at e-Governance Academy, Margus Vaino and Martin Paas from Telia discuss the evolution, challenges, and opportunities surrounding SOCs – from the point of view of a major telecommunications player. Acknowledging the rising importance of SOCs is only the beginning: the increasing complexity of cyber threats, and the essential steps required to build and sustain effective cybersecurity infrastructures, are all part of the roadmap to effective cyber defence.
AI in Government to Drive Prosperity and Innovation
The AI reckoning is here, and that’s not just based on announcements and latest releases from top corporate actors in the field. Artificial intelligence is rapidly reshaping how governments serve their citizens, making processes more efficient, policies more targeted, and economies more dynamic. Among experts, few understand this transformation better than Luukas Ilves, former Chief Information Officer of Estonia, and now Advisor to the Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine. You may find him where innovation is. Drawing from his experience in two nations that are widely acknowledged as digitally advanced, he presents a compelling view of AI's transformative potential in governance. The challenges it brings, the practical steps needed to realise its promise – in this episode of the Digital Government Podcast, we do a deep dive into what the future holds for governments approaching AI.
Latin America’s Digital Future in Keywords, Needs, Priorities
Awareness of the benefits of digital transformation is increasing in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), as it is collaboration with international entities to drive projects forward. Year by year, this is laying down pathways for a more connected and inclusive digital government, with tangible benefits for the population and the economic area as a whole. Miguel Porrúa, Lead Specialist on Digital Government at the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), sat down with us to share some valuable insight into the evolution of digital government across LAC. Picking up on the post-pandemic momentum is essential to keep the ball rolling in the region. But all development projects and new initiatives must be tailored to local, national needs, and the key topics in governments’ focus across the area.
Launch of uResidency welcomes the world to digital Ukraine
It is a major step towards global digital integration, the one coming from Ukraine. The country recently launched its uResidency programme in September 2024. With that, the country aims to open up to international entrepreneurs who seek to establish and operate businesses in a vibrant digital economy. Without the need for physical presence – sound familiar?Don’t call it an Estonian spin-off, though. Ukraine’s uResidency has its own winning features on considerably decreasing bureaucracy, taxation, and benefitting from all the country’s recent advancements in online services.Oleksandr Bornyakov, Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, and Andrii Piskun, Head of e-Services at e-Governance Academy in Ukraine, share insights on an initiative that welcomes the world into Ukraine’s digital sphere.
Welcome to e-Governance Academy’s podcast to discover the future of governance. e-Governance Academy has assisted digital transformation globally in more than 130 countries. Our experts will share their insights and worldwide examples on how digital technology could benefit every society. Tune in for the digital government podcast every Wednesday!