Paul Cornell (Doctor Who, Elementary) and Lizbeth Myles (Big Finish, Verity!), discuss the Science Fiction and Fantasy television made in the UK every year from...
Telefantasy Time Jump 2: Nineteen Eighty-Four (1954)
Paul Cornell (Doctor Who, Elementary) and Lizbeth Myles (Big Finish, Verity!), discuss the Science Fiction and Fantasy television made in the UK every year from 1953 to the present day. In this episode, we discuss Nineteen Eighty-Four (1954).
Telefantasy Time Jump 1: The Quatermass Experiment (1953)
Paul Cornell (Doctor Who, Elementary) and Lizbeth Myles (Big Finish, Verity!), discuss the Science Fiction and Fantasy television made in the UK every year from 1953 to the present day. In this episode, we discuss The Quatermass Experiment (1953)
Hammer House of Podcast - Episode 82
Hello! And welcome to the 82nd and last episode of Hammer House of Podcast, where Paul Cornell (Doctor Who, Elementary) and L.M. Myles (Verity!) discuss, in order of UK release, every horror movie made by Hammer Film Productions from The Quatermass Xperiment through to Doctor Jekyll. This month, we review Peter Cushing's many appearances over the years on The Morcambe and Wise Show! Next month: it's the debut of Telefantasy Time Jump!
Hammer House of Podcast - Episode 81
Hello! And welcome to the 81st and last regular episode of Hammer House of Podcast, where Paul Cornell (Doctor Who, Elementary) and L.M. Myles (Verity!) discuss, in order of UK release, every horror movie made by Hammer Film Productions from The Quatermass Xperiment through to Doctor Jekyll. This month, we review the last Hammer Horror movie to date, Doctor Jekyll (2023).
Hammer House of Podcast - Episode 80
Hello! And welcome to the 80th episode of Hammer House of Podcast, where Paul Cornell (Doctor Who, Elementary) and L.M. Myles (Verity!) discuss, in order of UK release, every horror movie made by Hammer Film Productions from The Quatermass Xperiment through to Jekyll This month, we review The Lodge (2019).
Paul Cornell (Doctor Who, Elementary) and Lizbeth Myles (Big Finish, Verity!), discuss the Science Fiction and Fantasy television made in the UK every year from 1953 to the present day. And in our Patreon bonus episodes we see what the rest of the world’s SFF TV was like that year.
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