Get the most out of your home theater with the latest advances, product reviews, and all things audio and video. Every Thursday, Scott Wilkinson shares his expe...
HTG 469: Too Many Remotes! - Reducing coffee table clutter
After listening to this podcast, Ann has bought several good AV components and enjoys using them, except for one thing: too many remotes! She would like to reduce the remote clutter, but how? Scott has some ideas that might help.
Host: Scott Wilkinson
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HTG 468: Dolby Home Cinema - Home Theater of the Month
Terence had the luxury of building a home theater from scratch in his newly constructed house. He wanted to replicate a Dolby Cinema as much as possible, the result certainly does that!
Host: Scott Wilkinson
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HTG 467: CES 2025 Part 3: Audio - What's new in audio?
Industry journalist and consultant Mike Heiss joins Scott Wilkinson to discuss what he saw and heard at CES 2025 in Las Vegas. In Part 3, we talk about some audio products and technologies announced at the show.
Host: Scott Wilkinson
Guest: Michael Heiss
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HTG 466: CES 2025 Part 2: TVs - New models & technologies
Industry journalist and consultant Mike Heiss joins Scott Wilkinson to discuss what he saw and heard at CES 2025 in Las Vegas. In Part 2, we talk about specific TV models and technologies announced by the major manufacturers.
Host: Scott Wilkinson
Guest: Michael Heiss
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HTG 465: CES 2025 Part 1: Trends - The Big Picture
Industry journalist and consultant Mike Heiss joins Scott Wilkinson to discuss what he saw and heard at CES 2025 in Las Vegas. In Part 1, we talk about HDMI 2.2 and some larger trends in TVs.
Host: Scott Wilkinson
Guest: Michael Heiss
Want access to the video version and exclusive features? Become a member of Club TWiT today!
Club TWiT members can discuss this episode and leave feedback in the Club TWiT Discord.
Get the most out of your home theater with the latest advances, product reviews, and all things audio and video. Every Thursday, Scott Wilkinson shares his expertise, energy, and enthusiasm about how to make your A/V system sound and look its best. In this short-format podcast, Scott brings you news, reviews, interviews, and commentary, and answers your questions. You can join Club TWiT for $7 a month and get ad-free audio and video feeds for all our shows plus everything else the club offers...or get just this podcast ad-free for $2.99 a month.
New episodes every Thursday.