Remember in school, all those lessons about the men of the past? How they ruled, fought and built? Well, on Kickass Women of History we'll be learning about wha...
Dr Imaobong Umoren from the London School of Economics and Politics joins Amy and Emma to celebrate mark 50 years since the UN announced their Decade for Women.What impact did it have on women's opportunities around the globe?How did it lead to the birth of Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era (DAWN), a transnational feminist network of scholars, researchers and activists from the global South?
Episode 005 - Elsa Laula Renberg
Sámi National Day is 6th February, so we are celebrating with the story of activist, and first published Sámi writer, Elsa Laula Renberg.
Joining Amy and Emma is Lia Frostkrans of the Women's History Museum in Umeå, Sweden.
Episode 004 - Julie Laurberg
Dr Mette Kia Krabbe Meyer of the Royal Danish Library joins Amy and Emma to talk about the life of pioneering Danish photographer, Julie Laurberg.
Discussion includes Julie's experiments with colour images, her active support of other women, and the importance of her business and life partner, Franziska Gad.
Episode 003a - Bloopers
Things can't go right all the time. Hear dogs, disasters, and dates cause problems for Amy Cotterill, Emma Cook, and Dr Eleanor Janega in these outtakes from Kickass Women of History episode 3.
Episode 003 - Isabella the She-Wolf
Dr Eleanor Janega joins Amy and Emma to talk about the turbulent life of Isabella of France. This Queen of England's tale includes adultery, treason, and lots and lots of jewellery. Hear about how she conquered a nation, deposed a king, and remained absolutely fabulous.
Remember in school, all those lessons about the men of the past? How they ruled, fought and built? Well, on Kickass Women of History we'll be learning about what they didn't teach us in school. We'll be exploring the lives of strong and incredible women from around the globe and from throughout human history.
Our aim is to share diverse stories of women who made a difference - to their family, village, country or the whole world. That could be 5 years ago, or 5000. Each episode, we'll be joined by a different historian who'll be sharing the life of their history heroine.