In this episode of the POLICE podcast, Acting National Secretary, John Partington, brings you the details of the 2025 PFEW police officer pay recommendations submitted to the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB).The PRRB's annual recommendation forms part of the Government's approach to police pay and how it should increase year on year.Find out more about the PRRB process and what the Police Federation is doing to highlight shortcomings when it comes to police pay.
Pensions FAQ Podcast - November 2024
Join National Board member Mel Warnes and the Federation's Senior Pensions Advisor, Paul Turpin as they discuss some of the most frequently asked questions from members when it comes to pensions.This podcast was recorded in November 2024 and the information is accurate at the time of publication. For the very latest, click on the support tab of the PFEW website at This podcast is a general guide only. It does not constitute specific or individual financial advice. Listeners should seek independent financial advice before making substantial changes to their financial arrangements.
From the Chair: EP1
In this episode of 'From the Chair' Steve Hartshorn talks pay and morale, podcasting and also discusses how the Federation is working hard to make operational changes for the future.
Personal Finance Podcast - With MetFriendly
Annette Petchey is the CEO of MetFriendly and in this episode she brings us some timely tips on saving, spending and planning for the future.
2023 marks the 28th year of the National Police Bravery Awards and in this podcast, we hear from the event organisers and each of the judges.Find out more about the event itself and some of the judges' reflections.Get involved in the conversation on social media using #POLICETalk.Host - Anoushka Dovey, Head of Communications, Police Federation of England and Wales.