D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
00:00:00 Show Start
00:01:09 D&D & RPG News: Delta Green, Dragonlance, and Kobold Press Humble Bundles
00:05:22 Kickstarter Spotlight: Zaminora Ballad of the Witch
00:06:48 D&D & RPG News: Sigil's Demise
00:13:46 Commentary: Where's the 5.2 SRD?
00:16:40 Commentary: Shadow of the Weird Wizard Initial Thoughts
00:36:04 DM Tip: Defending Yourself Out of the Fun
00:57:03 Patreon Question: Catching Characters Up to Higher Level Adventures
00:59:23 Patreon Question: Running Heroic Adventures with Shadowdark
01:01:33 Patreon Question: Which Monster Book Do You Reach For?
01:05:19 Patreon Question: Experiences with Level Up Advanced 5e
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Buy Sly Flourish Books:
Delta Green Humble Bundle
Dragonlance Novel Humble Bundle
Kobold Press 5e Player Option Humble Bundle
Zamanora Ballad of the Witch Kickstarter
Has Wizards of the Coast Given Up on Sigil?
Gizmodo – Hasbro Is Scrapping Dungeons & Dragons‘s Ambitious Virtual Tabletop
Shadow of the Weird Wizard
Soren Johnson – Players Optimize Out of the Fun
Dungeon Master Diaries with Kelsey Dionne
Mike prepares the next session of his Tales of the Valiant Dragon Empire campaign.
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Buy Sly Flourish Books
Midgard Worldbook
Tales of the Valiant
Obsidian for TTRPGs
Shadowdark Love-Fest – Lazy RPG Talk Show
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
00:00 Show Start
01:06 Kickstarter Spotlight: Beyond the Woods
03:53 Kickstarter Spotlight: Shadowdark Western Reaches
15:25 Commentary: Shadowdark Price Ranges and FOMO
22:53 Commentary: Where Shadowdark Sits Among 5e Games
32:18 DM Tip: House Rules for Shadowdark
38:45 Sly Flourish News: City of Arches Hardcovers and the Key of Worlds Scenario Path
44:54 Sly Flourish News: Additions to the Lazy GM's Reference Document
49:49 Sly Flourish News: Forge of Foes on Audible
50:58 Patreon Question: Alternatives to Cultists
55:04 Patreon Question: Suggestions for Short Adventures and One-Shot Rewards
Forge of Foes on Audible
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Buy Sly Flourish Books:
Beyond the Woods Kickstarter
Shadowdark Western Reaches Kickstarter
Shadowdark Quick Start Free PDF
Shadowdark Quick Start Softcover
City of Arches
Lazy GM's Reference Document
The Sunless Stream – Dragon Empire Prep Session 16
Mike prepares the next session of his Tales of the Valiant Dragon Empire campaign.
Visit the Sly Flourish Blog
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Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
Buy Sly Flourish Books
Midgard Worldbook
Tales of the Valiant
Obsidian for TTRPGs
RPGs I Want to Play – Lazy RPG Talk Show
D&D and RPG news and commentary by Mike Shea of https://slyflourish.com
00:00 Show Start
01:21 D&D & RPG News: Mork Borg Bundle of Holding
04:11 D&D & RPG News: Potbellied Kobold Bundle of Holding
05:03 D&D & RPG News: Dungeon Crawl Classics Humble Bundle
07:49 Kickstarter Spotlight: Secrets of Magic for Fateforge
10:29 D&D & RPG News: D&D 2025 Starter Set Info
15:44 Commentary: What WOTC Products Matter for the RPG Hobby?
17:42 Commentary: Sci Show on Science of Scheduling a D&D Game
23:14 D&D & RPG News: Bob World Builder on RPG Kickstarters
28:10 Commentary: RPGs I Want To Play
37:17 DM Tip: The Retreat Action
46:14 Patreon Question: How Does Fog Cloud Work with Advantage?
50:12 Patreon Question: The Eight Steps with Big Dungeons
52:45 Patreon Question: Players Forgetting Character Abilities
54:40 Patreon Question: Dealing with Players Whose Characters Run Ahead
59:35 Patreon Question: DM Screen on Small Table
Subscribe to the Sly Flourish Newsletter
Support Sly Flourish on Patreon
Buy Sly Flourish Books:
Mork Borg Bundle of Holding
Potbellied Kobold Bundle of Holding
DCC Megabundle Humble Bundle
Fateforge Secrets of Magic Kickstarter
D&D Starter Set Video Official
D&D Starter Set Demo at New York Toy Faire
EN World Thread
Sci Show on Scheduling RPG Games
Bob World Builder on Crowdfunding Historical Trends
The Retreat Action
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