Cars, Coffee and Comedy hosted by comedian and automotive enthusiast Spike Feresten and featuring Jerry Seinfeld, lawyer Paul Zuckerman, MotorTrend's Jonny Lieb...
Join Spike and James Pumphrey (creator of Donut Media's first series, "Up To Speed" and recent founder of the YouTube channel Speeed) as they discuss everything from James's comedy roots to his journey into automotive content creation. They also discuss why James left Donut Media, the creative drive behind his new channel, and his deep love for classics like his modified E30 BMW.
The Best Porsche 911 Yet?
This episode of Spike's Car Radio breaks down the viral video of saving a Porsche 911 ST over a Tesla Model Y from the California wildfires, the performance of our own new 911 ST, Jerry's Porsche 917 at the Mecum Kissimmee auction, Jonny's thoughts on the 2025 Toyota GR Corolla upgrades, Hungarian car maintenance, and more questions from our fans.
Recovering from the L.A. Wildfires
Spike, Jonny, and Zuckerman return to the studio to bring an hour of levity amidst the L.A. wildfire tragedy. Car news is discussed, a beautiful Maserati is showcased, and a Lamborghini gets repo'ed! ___________________________________ Please consider donating here: Donate to Those Affected by the California Wildfires: Help Rebuild Palisades Charter High School: Support Palisades Charter High School Lacrosse: ________________________________________ Sponsors: 🛠️ RaceDeck - Transform Your Garage Get 15% off plus free shipping with code SPIKE911! 💰 Acorns - Invest in Your Future Turn your spare change into expert-built investing portfolios!
Kidnapped by Waymo
Join Spike, Zuckerman, and Jonny Lieberman on new car legislations, newly available car imports, and a NASCAR inspired Waymo Driver. Not to mention, get the lowdown on Johnny's epic GR Corolla mods and more!
Jeremy Piven from Entourage to ER
Join Spike and Zuckerman for a humorous episode as he engages with Jeremy Piven, renowned actor, and comic, exploring Jeremy's 15-year endeavor in creating 'The Performance' from an Arthur Miller story. This compelling episode covers Piven’s persistence amidst production challenges, humor honed through comedic gigs to fund his passion and candid reflections on his transformative journey.
Cars, Coffee and Comedy hosted by comedian and automotive enthusiast Spike Feresten and featuring Jerry Seinfeld, lawyer Paul Zuckerman, MotorTrend's Jonny Lieberman, and The Smoking Tire's Matt Farah with guests from the automotive industry, notable comedians and celebrities. As always, there's one empty chair at Spike's table saved for you, the listener.