The Way the World Works: A Tuttle Twins Podcast for Families
Connor Boyack
From the trusted team behind the Tuttle Twins books, join us as we tackle current events, hot topics, and fun ideas to help your family find clarity in a world ...
We abandoned the gold standard decades ago. So what does the gold in Ft Knox really signify? And what if its not all there?
578. What is a Presidential Pardon?
Presidential pardons have been in the news a lot lately. Today, Rachel and Brittany discuss what this means and how different presidents have used their pardoning power.
577. What is a "Sweatshop"? Should You Boycott Things Made in Sweatshops?
The best answer to a sweatshop is more sweatshops. Competition is better than shutting them down
576. Why Is It Important for The Government to "Declassify" Documents?
Throughout history, the government has "classified" documents, or, kept certain things hidden from they people "for our own good and safety." Should the people be kept in the dark about important event? Or do we have a right to know the whole story?
About The Way the World Works: A Tuttle Twins Podcast for Families
From the trusted team behind the Tuttle Twins books, join us as we tackle current events, hot topics, and fun ideas to help your family find clarity in a world full of confusion.
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