If you’d like to learn a little more about the natural world and how to take better pictures? This is the podcast for you. These podcasts are about inspiring a ...
In our line of work, we have ventured over a lot of the United Kingdom and parts of Africa. We really enjoy going and experiencing new places and wildlife to photograph. The thing about new places is they can be more than a little bit frightening. You don’t know what you have let yourself in for. Is all the time and money you’ve spent going to be worth it?Of course most of the time going somewhere new is worth the effort, but it is impossible to keep going to new places. So we have a fall back. We have a series of places that are very local to us that we visit on a regular basis. These are our banker places to take photographs, somewhere we are going to get pictures.We’ve had a lot of comments about close by locations that you can visit regularly. It seems that they seem to be the last on the list for photographers to visit and take photographs. Well we hope that in this podcast we can help change your mind. Local can be just as rewarding as traveling hundreds of miles to not get a sighting or photograph.If you would like to reach out to us with a question or comment our social media links are below.Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MarkandJackyBloomfield/Twitter - https://twitter.com/mandjbloomfieldInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/mandjbloomfield/LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/m&j-bloomfield/Buzzsprout - https://wildlifeandphotography.buzzsprout.com/1491085
19 - A year through our kitchen windows
Episode 19 “A year through our kitchen window” What an odd subject for a podcast you may think. But we will take you through our kitchen windows and into the woods beyond, which are full of wildlife. The wildlife we are privileged to be able to watch day to day. To witness, dramas life and death struggles, going on just outside our kitchen windows. This episode contains a full year of extracts from our wildlife diary where we record the comings and goings in our garden.There has been a wee bit of a break in the regularity of publishing episodes in 2022. We hope that you will stick with us as we have started to overcome the circumstances that have made it impossible for us to publish as many episodes as we would wish. Fingers crossed we are now getting back on track and will be able to publish more in 2023. Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MarkandJackyBloomfield/Twitter - https://twitter.com/mandjbloomfieldInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/mandjbloomfield/LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/m&j-bloomfield/Buzzsprout - https://wildlifeandphotography.buzzsprout.com/1491085
18 - Our kit recommendations for macro photography
Have you ever stopped and wondered how close-ups of flowers, butterflies, etc., are taken? These pictures are the ones we repeatedly take regularly.Over many years we have tested many bits of equipment. Some have been a help; others have ended up in a box somewhere. In this episode, we will tell you what we carry with us. Why we do it and how we use it. Learn from our successes and failures. You’re going to be surprised by some of the equipment we use. But over the years, we have refined what we take with us. What helps us create spectacular and individual pictures; of the intricate, macro world that surrounds us all.Take a journey into the world of macro photography. Don’t make the mistakes we did. Find out what we have ended up using, and learn from us. Companies that manufacture the products we mention in the podcast.O’Tom Tick Twister - https://www.otom.com/Zeiss Binoculars - https://www.zeiss.co.uk/Gitzo - https://www.gitzo.com/uk-en/Arca Swiss - https://www.arca-shop.de/en/Manfrotto - https://www.manfrotto.com/Sto Fen - http://www.stofen.net/Lumecube - https://lumecube.com/Wimberley - https://www.tripodhead.com/X-Rite - https://www.xrite.com/Helicon Soft - https://www.heliconsoft.com/ Our Social media linksFacebook - https://www.facebook.com/MarkandJackyBloomfield/Twitter - https://twitter.com/mandjbloomfieldInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/mandjbloomfield/LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/m&j-bloomfield/Buzzsprout - https://wildlifeandphotography.buzzsprout.com/1491085
17 - Trees, myths, legends and the science - Part Two
Episode 17 part 2 of the wildlife and photography podcast “Trees, myths legends and the science”. We continue where Episode 16 left off with another five tree species, facts, and recent scientific findings, about how woodlands and the trees in them work together.Trees and the products we make from them have been part of our world and homes, for tens of thousands of years. We understand how important wood is when we look for furniture to make life comfortable. We burn wood to keep us warm in the cold or cook our food on. But we don’t really have a deep understanding of how a tree and woodland work. We have lived side by side for 3 mega-annum, but it is perhaps only in the last 100 years that we have begun to understand, just what a complex organism a tree is.Chapter timingsHazel 09:10Horse Chestnut 16:30Oak 22:48Rowan 29:31Scots Pine 35:14 OrganisationsTrees for life - https://treesforlife.org.uk/Woodland Trust - https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/American Forests - https://www.americanforests.org/The World Wildlife Fund - https://www.wwf.org.uk/Wildlife Conservation Society - https://www.wcs.org/ Social media Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MarkandJackyBloomfield/Twitter - https://twitter.com/mandjbloomfieldInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/mandjbloomfield/LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/m&j-bloomfield/Buzzsprout - https://wildlifeandphotography.buzzsprout.com/1491085 DonationWe have a dear friend who's husband passed away. In his memory, a grove of trees is being planted here in the highlands. If you would like to help with the planting of new trees you can make a donation here - https://treesforlife.org.uk/groves/g5891/
16 - Trees, myths, legends and the science
Episode 16 – of the Wildlife and Photography podcast is all about Trees, myths, legends, and the science that surrounds trees. Trees have been part of our culture and providing us with material goods for tens of thousands of years. Over that time we and our ancestors have revered, and worshiped trees. We have come to rely on the tree to provide warmth comfort and protection from the world.Most of us, however, know very little about the woodlands we love to visit, and even less about the trees which grow there. It is only in the last few decades that our understanding of trees and the role they play in our lives has started to emerge.It is a truly fascinating subject and you will never look at a tree in the same way after listening to this podcast.If you want to know even more after listening to this episode, the next episode number 17 will be about trees as well. Because we couldn’t get all that we wanted to tell you into one episode.Chapter timingsAlder 10:52 minsAsh 16:17 minsAspen 21:29 minsBeech 26:22 minsBirch 31:22 minsElm 36:29 mins OrganisationTrees for life - https://treesforlife.org.uk/Woodland Trust - https://www.woodlandtrust.org.uk/American Forests - https://www.americanforests.org/The World Wildlife Fund - https://www.wwf.org.uk/Wildlife Conservation Society - https://www.wcs.org/ Social media Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MarkandJackyBloomfield/Twitter - https://twitter.com/mandjbloomfieldInstagram - https://www.instagram.com/mandjbloomfield/LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/m&j-bloomfield/Buzzsprout - https://wildlifeandphotography.buzzsprout.com/1491085 DonationWe have a dear friend who's husband passed away. In his memory, a grove of trees is being planted here in the highlands. If you would like to help with the planting of new trees you can make a donation here - https://treesforlife.org.uk/groves/g5891/
If you’d like to learn a little more about the natural world and how to take better pictures? This is the podcast for you. These podcasts are about inspiring a passion for wildlife. Explaining taking incredible pictures isn’t that difficult. We’re Mark and Jacky Bloomfield, and we take photos of the natural world for a living. We want to help people understand, enjoy and learn about the things we are passionate about, wildlife and photography.