Joy is a Seed II ✨He emphasized that the desire for enjoyment was created by God and He has created eternal pleasures for us in Him.Here are a few key notes from the sermon:📌 In God’s presence, there is fullness of joy.True pleasure is found in God. He is our source of joy, and we should enjoy spending time in His presence—whether in prayer, worship, or fellowship. (Psalm 16:11)📌 God created the desire for enjoyment.The longing for joy and fulfillment comes from God. He gave us the ability to experience pleasure in work, in relationships and in the things He has given us. (1 Timothy 6:17)📌 Joy and productivity go hand in hand.God’s presence doesn’t only bring joy, it equips us for profitable labor. Worship is not just in singing and dancing, it’s in the way we live. We worship God with our diligence in work and stewardship of resources. (Matthew 5:16)📌 God is a happy God.The Bible calls God a blessed (happy) God. He delights in us, rejoices over us, and desires that we walk in His joy. (Zephaniah 3:17, 1 Timothy 1:11)📌 Joy is part of our culture as believers.As believers joy is not optional, it’s a part of our identity. We have been designed us to be a happy people, and have been called to a life of joy.As we step into this new week, let’s remember to choose JOY. Walk in it, spread it, and let the world see the happiness of our Father reflected in us!
Joy is a Seed
Joy is a Seed ✨He emphasized that the desire for enjoyment was created by God and He has created eternal pleasures for us in Him.Here are a few key notes from the sermon:📌 In God’s presence, there is fullness of joy.True pleasure is found in God. He is our source of joy, and we should enjoy spending time in His presence—whether in prayer, worship, or fellowship. (Psalm 16:11)📌 God created the desire for enjoyment.The longing for joy and fulfillment comes from God. He gave us the ability to experience pleasure in work, in relationships and in the things He has given us. (1 Timothy 6:17)📌 Joy and productivity go hand in hand.God’s presence doesn’t only bring joy, it equips us for profitable labor. Worship is not just in singing and dancing, it’s in the way we live. We worship God with our diligence in work and stewardship of resources. (Matthew 5:16)📌 God is a happy God.The Bible calls God a blessed (happy) God. He delights in us, rejoices over us, and desires that we walk in His joy. (Zephaniah 3:17, 1 Timothy 1:11)📌 Joy is part of our culture as believers.As believers joy is not optional, it’s a part of our identity. We have been designed us to be a happy people, and have been called to a life of joy.As we step into this new week, let’s remember to choose JOY. Walk in it, spread it, and let the world see the happiness of our Father reflected in us!
In the school of the Spirit, there’s a way to respond. You can be a master in the subject of peace. You can become more fluent in the language of faith.Colossians 3:15 tells us to let the peace of God rule in our hearts and this means two things:1. Peace is not an event. It’s not out of your control.2. Peace is up to you. You can give it permission. You can decide that you’re going to allow peace reign. A perfect example is Jesus Christ on the cross. Luke 23:28✨ There’s a level of training required in mastering peace. If the Bible tells you “let peace reign” (Colossians 3:15), it’s because it’s possible.MISTAKES MANY CHURCHES MAKE IN THE NAME OF DEMONSTRATION OF FAITH1. We deny facts in the name of faith. Be like Jesus in Matthew 26:382. We’re not trained to expect challengesWe do not know what tomorrow holds. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.” (James 4:14-15)Like Jesus, you must have the humility in prayer where you say “nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” Matthew 26:39THREE THINGS YOU’LL PROBABLY EXPERIENCE AT SOME POINT IN YOUR LIFE:1. Being financially brokeThe revelation of the Rehoboth is not complete until you know how to move on from losses. Genesis 26:22; 1 Timothy 6:17.2. SicknessYou will need your strength to stand and fight. Philippians 2:25-28. When you hear bad news, rehearse your response.3. HeartbreakThis is beyond romantic heartbreaks. At some point in your life, people will disappoint you. Learn to handle it.HERE’S HOW TO MASTER PEACE📍 Rehearse what you can controlGod showed Joseph the years of famine that would come. Joseph didn’t “pray it away” but started planning.✨ Have a good savings culture. It is part of stewardship to the Lord not to spend it all. Budget generosity. Don’t eat your capital or give it away.Manage what you can control and embrace what’s beyond your control. There are some things only God can intervene and that’s okay.WAYS GOD EXPECT YOU TO HANDLE TOUGH TIMES1. Remember His faithfulness in the pastTo do otherwise is to be of little faith. Matthew 16:10-11.✨ God expects you to look into your past and find evidence of his faithfulness, wear it like an armor, and brag against Goliath.2. WorshipYou worship because:📍 You trust his providence📍 You trust his power✨ No matter what you’re going through, it’s a small thing for God. There’s nothing He cannot do or change. Nothing is too difficult for him. James 1:2. Habakkuk 3:173. Remember he works creative miraclesWhat seems insufficient can multiply.There’s an act of Joy that’s only by faith. Job 38:7. You see God working behind the scenes, so you respond by faith.As you continue with the rest of this week, remember that peace is not something out of your control. It can be mastered!
Deeper Dublin - Day 2 - Honoring God Through Action and Hospitality
Honoring God Through Action and Hospitality🔅 We learned that while prayer invokes favor, it is the work of our hands that God blesses (Luke 4:24-27). We learned that honor and hospitality are key to unlocking God’s blessings in our lives. God’s promises may not be fulfilled unless we walk in honor (Luke 24:28-29). We were reminded that we often encounter spirit beings, even angels and that our hospitality can have a powerful impact.🔅 One of the biggest secrets of success is God is moving in a ministry in your midst and you partake in it. The biggest hack for divine blessing is siding with God. When you see God doing something, side with God.🔅 We also learnt from Jesus teaching in Matthew 10:40, that when we receive someone in His name, we receive a prophet’s reward. How we treat God’s messengers matters deeply to Him.🔅 We were encouraged to actively participate in what God is doing around us, not waiting for a special call. Generosity, whether financial or through hospitality, attracts God’s favor and angels. We were reminded to be part of where God is moving.
Deeper Dublin - Day 2 - How not to Backslide
How not to backslide:🔸 Opening text: Genesis chapter 3🔅 Ungodly exposure. (Genesis 3:22) There is a type of company we should not keep. What did God mean when he named the tree; the knowledge of good or evil? (Deuteronomy 1:39) The devil has done evil and God witnessed it. God does not want his children to experience it. Even though we are a people of prayer, there are somethings we are better off not knowing or experiencing.🔅 The devils strategy is to make us feel a life of boundary is a life of restrictions. What is for our protection should not be seen as a restriction. The devil can make you feel like you are missing something. When the devil begins to change your perspective, or when the devil gets somebody who has influence over you, we must be able to see the devil far off and shut the door.How to protect your Christian fervent:C - convictionR - religionA - assimilationF - fellowshipT - training🔹 Conviction - You must know the Bible. Attend a church that takes knowledge seriously to be a person of conviction. To protect your conviction, you must have a system. Take devotion seriously. (Daniel 1:18 - consecration)🔹 Religion - Life always impacts lifestyle.🔹 Assimilation - the word Zerubabel means planted in Babylon. Don’t be small.🔹 Fellowship - You will do better in the company of like minds. (Hebrews 10:25) What makes you a strong Christian are the days you don’t feel like praying and yet you do! Your safety is in company.🔹 Training - In every environment we must follow (Matthew 28:19) Power is for witnesses.