Moon - Reflecting Kingdom Culture
As Christians, we should understand that Culture is not a norm, it is a design. What you see people accept as general or popular is a product of someone’s mind and design.However, it’s important to step back and be introspective. Test all things - I Thessalonians 5:21.A FEW THINGS TO NOTE:📍 Culture is formed when a group follows an influential person or influential people. Subconsciously, people are telling you how to think, act, and behave.📍 It’s true that in a multitude of counsel, there’s safety. But in seeking wisdom, we must learn to stop and access - Is it true? Why must I act this way? Why must my life go in that direction? Stop and test.📍 Culture will try to conform you but do not be conformed - Romans 12:2. If you’re a conformist, you cannot fulfill the will of God for your life. Standing for God will sometimes require that you turn your back on culture.📍 God raised leaders to think in their own rights. We’re not dummies. We look objectively, we test all things. We are not conformists, we are transformers.📍 When you beg to differ, you’ll be seen as a rebel. To be counter-cultural, you must be okay with being seen as the odd one out.📍 Culture may be defining your limits so, be very careful what culture has signaled to you that you cannot do.
📍 Don’t let anybody define your limits. You are allowed to be all that God wants you to be - in his word and in purpose. Because what we call culture is simply human beings being wired by limitations and observations.📍 Culture is a product of social learning. It may be confining you. Step back, test all things, and only hold on to what is true.📍 The same way it happens positively, it happens negatively. Fear can be adopted. The things your parents tried and failed can affect you, so step back and watch your idiosyncrasies - where was this pattern formed? Test it.📍 This was what God was trying to tell the children of Israel in Leviticus 18:3. He was talking about their past and their future - they were coming from Egypt and going to Canaan - to not look like either of them. God wanted them to be different.📍 In Mark 11:22-23, Jesus cursed a fig tree and Peter was amazed by that. Jesus had to let his disciples know that they can also speak to trees, speak to the mountains, and move them. To root out and to pull down - Jeremiah 1:10📍 For this to work, you must be okay with being criticized. You have a different spirit. Be comfortable with the fact that some people will hate your guts.📍 Beg to differ in every way. Embrace culture only to the degree that it aligns with the word of God.📍 Shine your eyes, especially in these last days. You’re not a consumer. Don’t just watch trends and follow. The anointing is on you to stand out.