Welcome to the cyclical motherhood podcast with Hayley Anderson and Marinella Benelli, where we explore motherhood with the menstrual cycle and wider cycles as ...
Welcome back to the Cyclical Motherhood podcast. In this episode we share what is at the heart of our work through offering Cyclical Motherhood:
- centre mothers and cyclical wisdom
- acknowledge our whiteness and privileges
- welcome and amplify marginalised mothers
- welcome and amplify mothers whose physiological experiences of the cycles are disturbed or medicated and don’t fit in the standard menstrual awareness map
- name/rename some of the key experiences of menstruating mothers
- promote a body centred approach (your own body) when it comes to experiencing the menstrual cycle
- consciously move away from ideas of perfection, niceness and productivity first and let go of the idea of the ‘perfect mother’ myth or even the ‘good enough mother’
- raise menstrually aware and cycle aware children and share our journeys to inspire far and wide
This is quite a list. We don’t claim to have solutions, right ways or answers to it all. Please receive it all with curiosity and join us, as we altogether contribute to the new story.
Thank you for being here ♥︎
We hope you have enjoyed our conversation today. Please do share with any other mothers you think might receive something from our conversation.
If you wish to connect to us, you can find us on Instagram @cyclicalmotherhood
To connect directly with Hayley @_hayley_anderson_ and https://hayleyanderson.co.uk/
To connect directly with Marinella @earthmoonmala and https://www.earthmoonmala.com/
Music is Medicine Tune by Julie Abbé https://julieabbe.com/
An introduction
Welcome to the Cyclical Motherhood podcast!
This episode is an introduction to the mothers hosting the podcast, Hayley Anderson & Marinella Benelli & our journey with Cyclical Motherhood so far.
- Our journey connecting as mothers during the pandemic, whilst going through some big transitions and hardships.
- Supporting one another through our mothering & our love & understanding of the menstrual cycle & wider cycles.
- How Cyclical Motherhood was born out of years of almost daily sharing on our motherhood journeys & a vision Hayley received during menstruation.
- Introducing our intentions with this podcast.___
References and resources:
Hayley shares a message from the elders of the Kogi people, that she heard via Pat McCabe https://www.patmccabe.net/ “The women must lead. They must now speak, act and move with the authority of the Mother”. These powerful words inspire us and support us in our own mothering and our work with Cyclical Motherhood.
Thank you for being here ♥︎
We hope you have enjoyed our conversation today. Please do share with any other mothers you think might receive something from our conversation.
If you wish to connect to us, you can find us on Instagram @cyclicalmotherhood
To connect directly with Hayley @_hayley_anderson_ and https://hayleyanderson.co.uk/
To connect directly with Marinella @earthmoonmala and https://www.earthmoonmala.com/
Music is Medicine Tune by Julie Abbé https://julieabbe.com/
Welcome to the cyclical motherhood podcast with Hayley Anderson and Marinella Benelli, where we explore motherhood with the menstrual cycle and wider cycles as our guides. We created cyclical motherhood CIC to centre mother's and cyclical wisdom to help midwife the new, emergent story for motherhood that we all need. Our work together has its roots in the ongoing sharing of our mothering journeys with cycles in mind, and how much we feel this territory has to offer when it comes to supporting mothers through times of transition and uncertainty.