Oor Wee Podcast was created with the young listener in mind. We felt Scots voices do not get a fair representation in mainstream children’s programming. This in...
Episode 11: The Draiglen Hogney, The Oorie Sang, The Triumphant Tumshie
All songs, stories and adaptations by Susi Briggs and Alan McClure. Music and production by Alan McClure. We love making the podcast free, but we're very grateful for a bit of support if you can afford it -
you can contribute at
We also love it when you share these episodes with your pals!
Oor Wee Podcast Episode 10: The Three Billy Goats Gruff, Jessie and the Faery, The Laldy Sang, Huffy the Heron
All songs, stories and adaptations by Susi Briggs and Alan McClure. Music and production by Alan McClure. We love making the podcast free, but we're very grateful for a bit of support if you can afford it -
you can contribute at
We also love it when you share these episodes with your pals!
Oor Wee Podcast Episode 9: The Goose that Laid a Gowden Egg, Whit's the Matter wi the Watter, Perjink, Fox an Tod, Tabby Twa Puddins
All songs, stories and adaptations by Susi Briggs and Alan McClure. Music and production by Alan McClure. We love making the podcast free, but we're very grateful for a bit of support if you can afford it -
you can contribute at
We also love it when you share these episodes with your pals!
Oor Wee Podcast Episode 8: Gowdilocks an the Three Bears, The You Show, The Plitterin' Sang, The Giant wha Collected Smells
Gowdilocks an the Three Bears, The You Show, The Plitterin' Sang, The Giant wha Collected Smells
All songs, stories and adaptations by Susi Briggs and Alan McClure. Music and production by Alan McClure.
We love making the podcast free, but we're very grateful for a bit of support if you can afford it - you can contribute at
We also love it when you share these episodes with your pals!
Oor Wee Podcast Episode 7 The Emperors New Claes, Cloot, Clockwork City and The Three Wee Butterflies
Oor Wee Podcast wis created fer the young listeners. All that ye hear is created by co hosts Alan McClure and Susi Briggs.
Please see our website for more information on live shows and resources for education.
If ye love what we dae please support us by liking, sharing or following us on oor socials. Ye can also support by dropping us some pennies on Patreon or Buy me a Coffee
Please vote for OOR WEE PODCAST for Scots Project o the Year at the Scots Language Awards 2021. Winners announced on the 25th September 2021 at The Gardyne Theatre in Dundee. Click here to vote!
Oor Wee Podcast was created with the young listener in mind. We felt Scots voices do not get a fair representation in mainstream children’s programming. This inspired us to create Oor Wee Podcast to celebrate Scots language through the art of storytelling and haivering. Alan and Susi are passionate about including all the voices and melodies that exist in Scotland.
Everything you hear is original and created by us, just for you…
If you would like to support Oor Wee Podcast, and help keep the Big Bad Wolves from the door, you can do this by donating or becoming a patreon through the links below.
[Click here to donate to Oor Wee Podcast, we really appreciate it!](https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=8XA977YZFWRPC)
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