Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools is a one season, six episode podcast from Tyler Staton. Each episode Tyler has conversation with friends and thought leade...
Rebellious Fidelity (Unceasing Prayer) ft. John Mark Comer, Christine Caine, Tim Mackie, and Pete Greig
The ultimate discovery of prayer is intimacy. Requests first bring us to our knees, but it’s relationship that keeps us praying. In this extended finale, our guests throughout the season join us in a roundtable format to share the secrets of their own prayer lives.
Ask, Seek, Knock (Silence and Persistence) ft. Pete Greig
Everyone who’s ever taken prayer seriously has been gut-punched by the agonizing silence of unanswered prayer. So how do we make sense of the apparent silence of God in response to our cries? How might silence deepen prayer’s intimacy and power rather than draining it? And what keeps me praying in the face of pain and disappointment?
Laboring in Prayer (Praying for the Lost) ft. JT Thomas
Why do prayers for unbelieving friends and family members seem so ineffective, and where do I find the hope and stamina to keep on praying for someone else when nothing seems to be happening? The understanding and practice of contending and travail, pictured in the life of the prophet Elijah, gives us both the inspiration and method for praying for the lost.
Our Father (Adoration) ft. Tim Mackie
When Jesus taught his disciples to pray, he began with adoration—hallowing the name of the Father. So why must our prayers begin with praise? What did Jesus mean in the opening line of the Lord’s Prayer that might be lost in translation through the centuries? In the end, might adoration be more for my benefit than God’s?
On Earth as It Is in Heaven (Intercession) ft. Christine Caine
Prayer is the most powerful force in the world, but our experience in this world tends to make that difficult to believe. Even those of us who profess belief in prayer’s power typically live as if productivity and action are far more powerful than prayer. So how does God answer prayer, how do I pray for His Kingdom to come, and where do my prayers and God’s action meet?
About Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools Podcast
Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools is a one season, six episode podcast from Tyler Staton. Each episode Tyler has conversation with friends and thought leaders on all things prayer, including silence and solitude, adoration, intercession, and even unanswered prayer. Join us every Monday starting at the end of October for new episodes featuring special guests John Mark Comer, Christine Caine, Pete Greig, Tim Mackie, and JT Thomas.
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