Reviews and essays on art, games, books, food, theme parks, whatever. Sometimes weird stories! Zarina Muhammad and Gabrielle de la Puente take turns spilling th...
This week's text is a short story about roundabout art! About where art sits in the public sphere, where it is surprising or unexpected! Read the text: our writing: 🏝🏖
The Hearing Test
I write about the app called Visible that is supposed to help you with energy-limiting health conditions, and I write about Eliza Barry Callahan's 2024 book The Hearing Test. You can find the written version here, our Patreon here, and here's a referral code to the app. I have no idea if it's worth it yet. In the first few weeks yes? But ask me again in 6 months
Much love I leave behind
Athen Kardashian and Nina Mhach Durban @ Indigo + Madder, a postcard in a courtyard, my aunt's the text: our writing: 💄💋
Mary and the Rabbit Dream
did you know all the long covid clinics in the UK were closing down in March? in this episode, I write about money and my PIP disaster and my last long covid clinic appointment, but I also write about a woman who gives birth to rabbits. You can find the text version on our website & you can get a copy of Mary and the Rabbit Dream on Galley Beggar's website 🐇
an essay about readymades, found objects in art and whether that's a good thing (and what it all **MEANS**!)read it here: emoji for this text is: 🔳◼️
Reviews and essays on art, games, books, food, theme parks, whatever. Sometimes weird stories! Zarina Muhammad and Gabrielle de la Puente take turns spilling their guts and trying to right the art world's wrongs. You can find transcriptions on