Is there good evidence to believe in God? Ed Atkinson vs Sara Stevenson hosted by Andy Kind
Premier Unbelievable? Podcast is back in Aylesbury, UK at Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School with host Andy Kind moderating a debate on the existence of God, featuring Sara Stevenson from OCCA The Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics and atheist Ed Atkinson, engineer and former Christian turned Agnostic, and host of the Doubts Aloud podcast. Today's discussion dives into questions of morality, human value, and scientific methods for belief, addressing whether there is good evidence to believe in God.
Classic: Faith vs. doubt - a clash of worldviews Os Guinness and Ed Atkinson
Can faith withstand scrutiny? Can doubt lead to truth? In this classic Unbelievable? episode from 2014, Justin Brierley hosts a gripping dialogue between Os Guinness, renowned author and social critic, and Ed Atkinson, a former Christian turned atheist. And listen out as Ed joins the show again in a few weeks.
🔍 What’s Inside?
🔥 Os defends the rational and experiential case for faith
🔥 Ed shares his journey from belief to atheism
🔥 They challenge each other on meaning, morality, and worldview bias
🔥 They explore the role of science, religion, and love in shaping belief
🔥 Can faith be intellectually credible? Can atheism provide ultimate meaning?
🎧 Listen in as they debate, challenge, and wrestle with life’s biggest questions.
📖 Get Os Guinness's latest book: Our Civilisational Moment: The Waning of the West and the War of the Worlds 👉
Does science point toward or away from God? Phil Halper vs Professor Paul Ewart (Oxford Physics) hosted by Sam McKee
Today's episode will seek to answer the age-old question: Does science bring us closer to understanding a divine creator, or does it steer us away from such a belief? Sam McKee, researcher and associate tutor in history and philosophy of science at Manchester Metropolitan University guest hosts and he is joined by two distinguished guests.
Paul Ewart, an Emeritus Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. He has served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics. His research areas include fundamental atomic physics, quantum and nonlinear optics, and the design of novel lasers for spectroscopy. He has also focused on developing new techniques for optical diagnostics and gas-sensing for environmental monitoring.
Debating with Paul is Phil Halper, a YouTuber who has interviewed many of the world's leading scientists, including Stephen Hawking, Roger Penrose, and Alan Guth. Phil is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society and was appointed journalist in residence at the Penn State Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos. He has been the lead author on several peer-reviewed papers in fields ranging from cosmology to neuroscience and philosophy. Phil's first book, 'Battle of the Big Bang: The New Tales of our Cosmic Origins,' co-authored with award-winning cosmologist Niayesh Afshordi, will be published by the University of Chicago Press in the spring of 2025.
So listen below as Paul Ewart and Phil Halper engage in a compelling debate exploring the profound question: Does science point toward or away from God? Guest hosted by Dr. Sam McKee.
Classic: Is there historical evidence for the bodily resurrection of Jesus? Justin Bass & Dale Allison
New Testament scholars Dale Allison and Justin Bass discuss their different approaches to the evidence for Jesus' resurrection in a show first aired in 2021.
Bass, author of 'The Bedrock of Christianity: The unalterable facts of Jesus' death and resurrection' says the evidence from the core historical facts points to a resurrection. Allison, author of 'The Resurrection of Jesus: Apologetics, Criticism, History' is less certain that these facts lead us to a bodily resurrection.
For more Justin Bass on Unbelievable
For more Dale Allison :
Islamic blasphemy law in Britain? Andy Bannister and Tim Dieppe hosted by Andy Kind
As the UK government announced the launch of a new Islamophobia council to define ‘anti-Muslim hatred/ Islamophobia’ on February 28th, the start of Ramadan, one thing is clear: This is a hot-button issue that raises serious questions about free speech, blasphemy laws, and the balance between protecting religious sensibilities and upholding open dialogue in a liberal society.
Joining us on the podcast today are Andy Bannister from Solas CPC and Tim Dieppe from Christian Concern to tackle this complex but important topic. Together, we ask the tough questions: What is the controversy surrounding the definition of Islamophobia in Britain today? What are the chilling effects of unofficial laws on people of all beliefs? How does Islam view blasphemy, and does that perspective clash with modern Western ideals? And what will ultimately be the impact on British society?