The movie is fictional but Groundhog Day (asking a groundhog for a long-term weather report) IS A REAL THING!But wait, what even ARE groundhogs? AND do they have any qualifications in meteorology?Ann Jones is examining the biological accuracy of classic movies with the help of scientists and fans in the series "Hollywood Lied to Us."Featuring:Link Olson, Curator of Mammals, University of Alaska Museum.Dr Adam Daniel, Western Sydney University. Associate Professor Mike Rennie, Lakehead University.Groundhog Day by Columbia Pictures Production:Ann Jones, Presenter / Producer.Petria Ladgrove, Producer.Additional mastering: Isabella TropianoThis episode of What the Duck?! was produced on the land of the Wadawarrung and Kaurna people.If you want to hear more "What the Duck?" episodes- please like and subscribe here.
Hollywood lied to us: The Little Mermaid
Yes, the Little Mermaid is an animated movie, but if it were real, where would this mermaid paradise be? Is it plausible that Ursula the Octo-woman would have henchmen in the form of eels? Ann Jones is examining the biological accuracy with the help of scientists and fans of classic movies in the series "Hollywood Lied to Us."Featuring:Flo Rama- The Little Mermaid super fan. Professor Peter Godfrey-Smith, Sydney University. The Little Mermaid, Disney Studios.Production:Ann Jones, Presenter / Producer.Petria Ladgrove, Producer.Additional mastering: Isabella TropianoThis episode of What the Duck?! was produced on the land of the Wadawarrung and Kaurna people.If you want to hear more "What the Duck?" episodes- please like and subscribe here.
Hollywood lied to us: Jaws
Jaws (1975) was a massive hit that also created a whole lot of fear, but does anything in the film really stand up to shark science? Do sharks stalk humans? Do they roar? What can they sense? There are so many misconceptions when it comes to sharks that even now, 50 years later, these are impacting shark policies in Australia, and have come to be known as 'the jaws effect.'Featuring:Sophie Maycock, shark obsessive and founder of SharkSpeak. Chris Pepin-Neff – Shark policy expert at the University of Sydney. Jaws (1975) Universal Studios.Production:Ann Jones, Presenter / Producer.Petria Ladgrove, Producer.Additional mastering: Isabella TropianoThis episode of What the Duck?! was produced on the land of the Wadawarrung and Kaurna people.If you want to hear more "What the Duck?" episodes- please like and subscribe here.
Everything you wanted to know about Pigeons!
Did you know that pigeons make milk? The pigeon gets a bad rap, but it is actually an incredible bird with a rich history.It is related to the dodo and even played a role in the French Revolution!Surely this bird deserves some recognition?Featuring:Rosemary Mosco, Science writer and author of 'The Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching'.Nathan Finger, Host of 'Bird of the Week' podcast Dr Robin Leppitt, Ornithologist.April Broadbent, Pigeon Rehabber.Aaron and Aria, Pigeon Fanciers.Production:Ann Jones, Presenter / Producer.Petria Ladgrove, Producer.Additional mastering: Hamish Camilleri.If you want to hear more "What the Duck?" episodes- please like and subscribe here.This episode of What the Duck?! was first broadcast in Dec 2023 and was produced on the land of the Wadawarrung and Kaurna people.
Glowing Animals
Are you high, or is that a sheep glowing?Yep- sheep glow, but that's not all... when it comes to glowing the list of animals includes the platypus, dolphin teeth, bilby ears and Tasmanian Devil feet. Featuring:Linda Reinhold, Zoologist at James Cook University.Professor Simon Lewis, Curtin University. Dr. Kenny Travouillon, Western Australian Museum. Caitlin Grieve, Hillend Dorsets.Production:Ann Jones, Presenter / Producer.Petria Ladgrove, Producer.Joel Werner, Script editing.Additional mastering: Simon Branthwaite.If you want to hear more "What the Duck?" episodes- please like and subscribe here.This episode of What the Duck?! was first broadcast in October 2023 and is produced on the land of the Wadawarrung and Kaurna people.