The Glory of God for Doubting Minds and Dull Hearts
When we see the glory of God in his word, we know for sure and we rejoice forever. Glory persuades and pleases, gives certainty and satisfaction.
What the World Needs from Your Church
Chipper churches leave no lasting impression on the world. The greatest gift we have to give is indomitable joy in Jesus in the midst of suffering and sorrow.
Supernatural Pastors: How to Minister in God’s Strength
Brothers, if we are going to do good — lasting good — to our churches, then we must preach and lead and counsel and serve in the strength that God supplies.
Sorrows Are Normal for Now: What to Expect on Your Journey Home
David Mathis | In this fallen world, expect suffering and sorrows. But also know that, in Christ, they are limited, designed, and rewarded by a kind and gracious God.
How to Feed a Pastor: The Secret Life of a Happy Man
David Mathis | As pastors, our first priority each day is not to serve God, help his people, or engage in other ministry, but to get our soul happy in God.