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Sasquatch Chronicles

Podcast Sasquatch Chronicles
Sasquatch Chronicles - Bigfoot Encounters
People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sighti...

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  • SC EP:1113 Attack Of The Drones
    Garrett writes "So I’ll just start from the beginning, I moved to Tennessee with my mom around the age of 8-9 we’ve lived here ever since. I began a fascination with Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, a few years later after me and my Mamaw would watch finding Bigfoot on Tv almost every night. Being a kid and growing up watching the show, of course my first instinct was to go and try the things they did and of course that didn’t really get much of anything. A few years later me and my buddy got back into the show and we decided to give it a try again. We went to the woods and did the wood knocks and the howls and eventually we got something that sounded like a knock. That was it for that day so we really couldn’t say what it really was, but we continued this for weeks and everyday we’d get a knock. Now keep in mind, this area is now huge and while there are big patches of woods a lot of them are getting torn down and developed into schools/houses/neighborhoods. But at the time of this first incident it was still fairly new development with plenty of deep woods. The knocks eventually escalated into whoops and howls as responses and we thought it was the coolest thing ever when we got that first whoop that kinda confirmed to us that we had a Bigfoot in the area. This again continued for weeks until one night we were out there doing the whoops and the knocks and we got this one loud knock that sounded closer than usual, we took a second and did a whoop of our own before we heard thundering footsteps and branches crashing down toward us, we booked it out of the wood line and back to the cul-de-sac that the wood line connected to and made it about 20 yards from the wood line before turning back around to face it. There is a house in that sits directly next to the woods and it had to be around 9-10pm so they had their outdoor flood lights on, we continued to stare until we saw a hand reach around one side of a tree and it stepped out into the flood light revealing itself kinda leaning out from behind the tree. I would estimate it would have to be around 7-9 feet tall but it had a very strong facial resemblance to Patty, I believe it was female I couldn’t tell exact hair color as it was dark and I wouldn’t have been able to see it at all if not for that flood light, the thing that sticks with me most was I could feel the eyes even though I couldn’t see them because they were sunken in its brow. It felt as if they almost burnt a hole in me and that’s the one thing I can always remember from that. Fast forward a few years and me and my dad are fishing a spill way in Taylorsville Kentucky, it’s a pretty remote spillway that comes directly from a large dam so it maybe had 2-3 other people there that day. It was probably around 5-6pm when we started hearing knocks up in the woods and my dad was never a bigfoot believer but I pointed them out to him and we listened as it continued to this, we then could hear it walking around just out of eye sight in the wood line very large heavy methodical footsteps but you could tell it was on 2 legs, it was pacing for maybe 5-10 minutes before a Red Bull can came flying out of the woods and landed behind another fisherman that was fishing directly in front of the woodline; but after it did that, that’s was all for that day. Cut to next day and we went back to the spillway but this time we hiked down stream up in the woods to a launch ramp where we found a crappie hole. We had been catching them cast after cast for maybe half a hour when around the bend of the creek where we couldn’t see, we heard what sounded like something jump in the water and cross the creek. We didn’t think much of it as there are deer and other animals out there since it is very far out in the middle of no where. After that, a very large oak tree up the hill of the other bank that I would say was probably 6-10 feet around starts shaking and not just like the wind because no other trees are moving, this thing is just rocking back and forth violently and I told my dad “that’s the Sasquatch they do that as an intimidation display”. It did it for a few minutes before it stopped and then we could hear it pacing back and forth inside the woodline on the other bank, it then started growling/grunting and threw a few rocks before my dad decided we needed to get out of there. We both came to the conclusion that it wanted our fish we were catching as that place is full of invasive Asian carp and you aren’t allowed to put them back after catch so most people leave them on the bank to die. Fast forward to about a month ago, I’m 21 and just had my first baby and me and fiancée had just moved into our house in March of this year. The house we live in now is about 10 driving minutes away from where I came face to face with the first Sasquatch for context. We have a 1 year old German Shepherd and as you know they are highly alert and protective dogs. Our property backs up to one other house and a farm followed by woods and the farmer has birds of all kinds- turkeys, chickens, ducks, etc. Well about a month ago my fiancée took the dog out while I was at the gym and she said she got this really uneasy feeling like she was being watched and that our German Shepherd (Bear) wouldn’t stop staring at the woodline. After I came home from the gym it was probably 1:30am, not my usual time as I was off schedule and running behind. Most of the time the latest the dog would go out was around 10-11pm. After I got home and got settled I took the dog out, he was in the yard when he froze and normally with him being a German Shepard he’d bark first and think later, but this time he froze and all of his hair slowly stood up before he went into this crazed angry barking toward the woods where I had to pull him back inside, stuff like this continued for about a week until I went to gym and got home late again. This time it was around 2am and I took him out again and to paint the picture for you a little better there’s a barbed wire fence separating our property and the farmers property, but as we got outside I heard those same crashing footsteps as I had heard years earlier this one was much bigger probably 8-10 feet tall but so much wider I couldn’t get any details other than that and the long hair hanging off the arms because of the light in the yard from the house behind us. But anyway this thing ran up to the fence line and slammed its fist into a tree and let out this deep grunt/growl. I was petrified and I didn’t know what to do in the moment and my “guard dog” was frozen in place not barking or making a single sound my first thought was it was going to kill us. My dog wouldn’t come to me after I got to the point of maybe I should go inside so I had to go out in the yard with this thing still standing there staring at us and grab my dog and drag him inside. I have more details about that exact encounter and some other stuff that happened leading up to and after that. Last thing I will share is I believe I have a video of the Sasquatch banging on the side of the farmers barn trying to get to where he stores the birds I’ll attach it below but you can hear deep thuds followed by the birds freaking out and that video was taken around 1am also so I can confidently say it wasn’t someone using heavy machinery or anything like that. Anyway thank you for listening and if your interested I’d love to share more."
  • SC EP:1111 He had a crackin set of teeth
    Hayden writes "Hey there Wes. Hope you're doing well. I have been listening since the start and I love your show so much. I have been very reluctant to share this with you, but in hopes of sharing these stories with your audience I'll find some other locals that have experienced the same thing as I did, so we can connect and I don't feel so "alone" anymore haha.    Location: Tallowa Dam, South of Moss Vale NSW (my encounter), 3 months ago So it all started when I had left on a Friday afternoon to go on a camping trip down the coast and come back on the Sunday. The drive was about 2ish hrs to the location that I was going to which is called Tallowa Dam, I had planned to canoe up the dam and camp in a valley and do some fishing and hiking/sightseeing. I arrived at the car park at around 4pm and immediately packed the canoe with my camping gear and started the 3km row upstream, I was losing sunlight fast because of the mountains casting their shadow into the dam. about 2kms in I heard this hellish scream/roar, kinda reminded me of someone bleeding out with blood pooling in the throat as gory as that sounds. I had never heard this before so I shrugged it off as a lyrebird making their strange noises, but it certainly caught me off guard. I finally arrived at the campsite and started on making a fire immediately before setting up my swag etc, fire was my priority as it was the middle of august in the winter, and the sun had basically set. I got the fire going and set up my swag and decided to go for a night fish, as Australian bass which was my target species are more active at night. I hiked probably 500metres upstream and saw a stick structure. It was 3 logs that had been placed kinda like a Tepie or pyramid shape, I didn't really think much of it until 5 seconds later I heard that same hellish scream/roar. Which then got me thinking about my mates story for some reason and I freaked the f---- out. I quickly walked back to my camp and jumped in my swag holding my knife towards the roof. About 20mins go by with not a single sound after getting in the swag when all of a sudden I can faintly hear bipedal footsteps getting louder as it gets closer to me. Keep in mind I haven't seen anything besides the stick structure, I also remember there only being 1 other car in the carpark and it was the park rangers car. So hoping it was the park ranger walking towards my swag I yelled "hey who's there" and the walking stopped. 5 seconds go by and the best way I can describe what happened next is it sounded like a 2 ton elephant ran straight towards me. I'm not a religious man but when I tell you I prayed to god please don't kill me like this, I mean it. As soon as the running reached me it sounded like it took 1 big huff and then jumped over me, cause the running sound stopped for like 5 seconds then a big landing sound happened on the other side of my swag. Then I heard it just take off running. Now I stayed in my tent the entire night (this happened around 7pm) I didn't eat dinner, get out to pee, nothing. I eventually fell asleep somehow, probably because the 3km row took all my energy, and I woke up around 7am on the Saturday. My main objective now was just getting back to my car. So I packed up camp and started the 3km row back to the carpark, it was around 10:30am by the time I got back to my car and when I went to open it I realized I lost my keys. I looked everywhere for them in the canoe and camping gear but couldn't find them, I thought I put them in my pocket so I thought that must have fallen out when I was packing up camp. So as much as I didn't want to go back to the camp spot I did the 3km row back again, once I got there it was about 12pm I would say, so I quickly looked around the camp and they were nowhere to be seen. So I then backtracked that 500meatre hike I did the night before in hopes of finding them and low and behold they were hung up on little stick coming out of a tree on the trail which was super weird, so I think what happened is when I was running back to the campsite after the scream they fell out my back pocket and whatever this creature was that I now know what it was, had picked them up off the trail and placed them on that tree knowing I would have to come back and look for them, and as soon as i picked them up it started running at me again, I honestly think it was just toying with me and using me as entertainment because it didn't actually get me and it definitely could have if it wanted to. So by the time I got back to the canoe and rowed out to open water it had stopped chasing me, and I did the 3km row back to the carpark with my keys. By the time I got back it was 6pm which was suppppperrrr strange because I thought it was a quick 3hr row there and back but anyways it felt like time had warped or fastened idk how to explain it. Because this dam was property of government land they closed the access gates at 5:30pm. So I had to camp another night, at least this time it was in front of my car and not in the bush, the only car that was there besides mine was that same park ranger's car. There was actually a no camp sign in the car park but my car wasn't big enough to sleep in with all my camp gear so I just set up my swag. It was about 8PM and I was just going through all of what happened and I said out loud and idk why I did maybe because it was a rhetorical question "did i even check if my car doors were unlocked before i left to go get the keys". And as soon as I did that I heard my car door open and I thought it was getting broken into by someone stalking my swag so I quickly got up with my knife out of my swag turned and look at the car and saw harry and the hendersons looking right at me, that's the first thing that popped into my head when we made eye contact was the actor in the suit is standing right infront of me. Then both of our eyes widened kinda like an oh shit moment and he ran off into the woods and I quickly layed back down in my swag. I didn't sleep that night at all so when morning came around I was up and out by 7am because they open the gate at 6am. I also forgot to mention I found a footprint coming out of the water and onto the land. I have probably missed a lot of details but my fingers and brain are hurting writing all this. I'm hoping we can call but I'm not too sure because you're in the states and I'm in Australia but Wes I haven't told anyone else my encounter/sighting besides you I haven't even told my mate yet, please get back to me if you have any questions but I'd really like if we could chat on the phone somehow and we talk about this because I need to talk about it with someone. I have also included diagrams of where these encounters took place. I will also include photos I took at the dam while sightseeing. And a photo of the footprint I found on the edge of the dam."
  • SC EP:1110 Skating with Bigfoot
    Tonight I will be speaking to Dori who had a sighting in Washington State. The event happened in October of this year while driving with her sister. We will also be chatting with Rene. Rene wrote a book called: Skating with Bigfoot: True Newspaper Accounts in the West Over 150 Years. A Bigfoot showed up at an outdoor skating party in Idaho in 1902, forcing skaters to flee by wagon. A Sasquatch shook a cabin belonging to a group of Oregon miners in 1904; yet another crushed the skull of a dog belonging to a group of California grizzly bear hunters in 1880 in Oregon coastal forests. This book tells the little-known, remarkable tales of Bigfoot sightings from a time when the word 'Bigfoot' had not been invented. Witnesses step from the pages of history as far back as the time of President Lincoln to share their encounters from southwest Canada, Idaho, Oregon, California and Washington state. Reports date back 150 years and include a hidden gem about Bigfoot from iconic American author Mark Twain. The reports, published in newspapers across the West, describe large, upright, hairy, bipedal creatures that seem to be half man, half ape. The details match what witnesses today say they see when they stumble across these creatures in the forest.
  • SC EP:1108 Wildman of the Woods
    Wildman of the Woods, explore the bigfoot legend through documentary films with interviews, exploration and storytelling around everyone's hairy bipedal woodsman. Tonight I will be talking with Paul who is the creator of the channel. He interviews eyewitnesses in his documentary and takes the viewer back to when and where the eyewitness saw the creature. Here is a link to his channel
  • SC EP:1105 Humanoid Around 7.5 Feet Tall
    Ken writes “I listen to your podcast and finally have the courage to talk about this. I’m not an outspoken person about this incident due to people thinking I’m crazy but I figure now is the time to come out about it. My Three other friends who this happened to are still scarred until this day and refuse to speak on it. So here’s what happened at Cuyahoga Valley national park. I was camping with some friends. There was 4 of us going up there to camp / hike and enjoy the outdoors. This happened sometime in July or August of 2019 but I can’t remember exactly what day it happened. Just as we set up camp we had the bright idea to go hiking. This was right about 7-8 pm at night when the park was closed but there was still daylight out. We started hiking near the Cuyahoga river on the towpath trail. We were hiking for a good half or so down this path and all of a sudden we had something throwing sticks that slowly progressed to rocks at us. At first we thought it was teens playing tricks on us but the longer it progressed we started to smell something pungent and our hair stood straight up. By this time the sun had gone completely dark and all we had was our phone lights to guide us. We all started running back to camp as quick as we could but whatever was tracking us was faster bigger and stronger. We eventually got winded then it all stopped. Dead silent the woods were extremely quiet and still and very eerie. Suddenly we heard the loudest growl we ever heard sort of like an angry wolf / bear. A friend of mine who had a firearm on him shined the weapon mounted light into the tree line where we were and we all caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a giant man / humanoid around 7.5 feet tall and as shown as the light shined on it it retreated backwards and never to be seen again. We then gathered our breathe and ran back to the camp as quick as we could and got into our tents. As we slept we heard multiple loud sounds outside our tent and sticks breaking. In the morning when we woke up our camp was destroyed and a pile of rocks was stacked up by the fire pit. We all agreed to never camp there again.”

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About Sasquatch Chronicles

People are seeing something in the woods and there are too many reports for this to be ignored. Join us every Sunday night as we discuss recent Sasquatch sightings, encounters and talk to Bigfoot eye witnesses. Listen as we speak with researchers, witnesses and investigators to unravel the mystery of Bigfoot. Every week we will also bring you the latest Bigfoot news and information. Additional episodes and exclusive content can be found on our website www.sasquatchchronicles.com. Become a Member today and receive access to additional exclusive shows posted weekly, our full back catalog of episodes, the ability to comment on Episodes and Blog entries, and access to our Forums. For the latest news, please visit our Blog. We can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
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