Deep in the back of your mind, you’ve always had the feeling that there’s something strange about reality. There is. Join Robert Lamb and Joe McCormick as they ...
In this episode of Stuff to Blow Your Mind, Robert and Joe discuss a handful of novel ice formations and how scientists believe they form. (originally published 2/1/2024, part 2 of 2)See for privacy information.
Weirdhouse Cinema: Gargoyles
In this episode of Weirdhouse Cinema, Rob and Joe discuss the 1972 made-for-TV movie “Gargoyles,” starring Cornel Wilde, Jennifer Salt, Grayson Hall and Bernie Casey – with make-up effects by legendary Stan Winston.See for privacy information.
Mystery Cults, Part 1
In this episode of Stuff to Blow Your Mind, Robert and Joe dive into the world of Greco-Roman Mystery Cults. What exactly were the Mysteries and how did they factor into religious practices of the day? Find out…See for privacy information.
The Monstrefact: Count Orlok
In this episode of STBYM’s The Monstrefact, Robert discusses the monstrous villain from the 2024 film “Nosferatu,” directed by Robert Eggers.See for privacy information.
STBYM Listener Mail: Translucent Black Capes
Once more, it's time for a dose of Stuff to Blow Your Mind and Weirdhouse Cinema listener mail...See for privacy information.
Deep in the back of your mind, you’ve always had the feeling that there’s something strange about reality. There is. Join Robert Lamb and Joe McCormick as they examine neurological quandaries, cosmic mysteries, evolutionary marvels and our transhuman future.