Discover the nuanced world of wellness with Shona Vertue. An ex-elite gymnast turned certified personal trainer and yoga teacher, Shona brings a wealth of exper...
#20 - Attachment Theory: Secure Partners (Part 3 of 4)
Welcome back to another episode in our attachment theory series. In Part 3, we'll discuss secure attachment styles. Who are these elusive 'secure' individuals, and do they truly exist? What traits do they possess? How can you become more secure in your own relationships? While we'll examine the research, I'll also share some personal insights in this episode, all aimed at helping you establish and maintain healthier, happier relationships.
Hazan, C., & Shaver, P. (1987). Romantic love conceptualized as an attachment process. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 52(3), 511-524.
Mikulincer, M., & Shaver, P. R. (2007). Attachment in Adulthood: Structure, Dynamics, and Change.
Not disucssed but open-access and well worth the read:
Spruit, A., Goos, L., Weenink, N. et al. The Relation Between Attachment and Depression in Children and Adolescents: A Multilevel Meta-Analysis. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev 23, 54–69 (2020).
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Can two people with an insecure attachment style ACTUALLY be together?
How do the insecure attachment styles differ?
What were the seminal studies that helped us to understand more about attachment theory?
Do we need to 'fix' our attachment style?
All these questions answered and more in one of my favourite episodes to record ever.
If you prefer to watch your podcasts, you'll find this on my youtube channel (Shona Vertue)
#18 - Attachment Theory and your Health (Part 1 of 4)
Dive into "Attachment Theory and Your Health," where I uncover how early bonds shape our emotional and physical well-being. Starting with John Bowlby's innovative ideas, I explore the roots of attachment theory and its pivotal role in defining our relationships. Learn about the four attachment styles—secure, anxious, avoidant, disorganized—and their profound effects on our health.
Why does this matter? Understanding your attachment style can illuminate paths to better stress management, improved relationships, and overall mental health. I'll guide you through introspective questions tailored to each attachment style, designed to foster self-awareness and healing in your interpersonal connections.
Join me for a journey to deeper self-understanding and healthier living, all through the lens of attachment theory.
Crowell, Judith & Owens, Gretchen. (1996). Manual For The Current Relationship Interview And Scoring System. (This is more clinical and takes 90 minutes but is good for romantic relationships).
Also a good resource:
Another quiz here:
Other Sources:
#17 - Break-Up Survival (using the biopsychosocial approach)
I am currently in a secure relationship with a baby and a loving Fiancé and I really, truly owe a lot of it to the painful, heart-wrenching, life changing lessons of the break-ups I had experienced prior to this partnership.
This however took years of work that I have condensed into this podcast (and some more resources on the @vertue_podcast instagram page).
I do think that I have too much experience with painful break-ups (of which I only blame myself for), however all that being said they were truly the source so much transformation that no formal education could have ever taught me and because of that I am almost in favour of them.
If you are going through it right now please remember at the heart of this pain is the gift of emotional resilience that will enhance every aspect of your life moving forward.
More resources on my instagram page
#16 - How to Read Research and Be EVIDENCE BASED
I have been wanting to release a podcast on this for a VERY long time because as I witness this shift towards people being more 'evidence based' I also see a simultaneous problem develop in the background ...
What is it to be evidence based?
How do we ensure that we don't just fall into the trap of another cognitive bias called the "appeal to authority" bias?
In this episode, we dive into why research and stats are so important for us all. It starts off by looking at why research matters, using everyday examples to show how it helps us answer questions and understand the world around us.
Next, we chat about how research is done, breaking down the hierarchy of evidence and explaining different research methods like longitudinal and cross-sectional studies. The goal here is to make sense of all the research jargon and show how different studies can be used.
Then, we tackle statistics in research. It's all about understanding what those numbers really mean, especially focusing on statistical significance and effect size.
We also run through how to read a research paper without getting lost – think colour-coded notes and simple breakdowns. And we finish up with some smart questions to ask about research, helping you figure out what's really going on in those studies.
The whole episode is about making research feel less intimidating and more relatable, so you can chat about it confidently in your day-to-day life and more importantly, ask the RIGHT questions of so-called experts - bulletproofing yourself against the BS.
Want to know more about my health and fitness philosophy? Head to my website:
Discover the nuanced world of wellness with Shona Vertue. An ex-elite gymnast turned certified personal trainer and yoga teacher, Shona brings a wealth of experience and a fresh perspective to the wellness conversation. As she works towards completing her sports psychology degree, she delves deep into the heart of wellness, uncovering its many facets - the celebrated, the overlooked, and even the misguided. Using a biopsychosocial lens, the podcast traverses through the intricate pathways of what it truly means to be well. Dive in with Shona and unravel the diverse layers of well-being.